“If You ever come back”
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Thursday, July 31 || 5:28 PM
:)) since its over. its over.
so i should just forget about it.
updated the new this week songs!~ ^^:)) byess. <33 xinyii.
|| 4:52 PM
:)) prelim english oral.
I'VE JUST RUINED EVERYTHING!MY MIND JUST WENT BLACK AND WHITE!not a good day at all.my english oral sux like hell.doris did better than me. ><andd my goal has all ruined!i tink i will get 20 marks and below over 30 lahhs!my mind went black out the whole period!i made a fool of myself. D:my remarks sure is over 20 words. i've ruined EVERYTHING!ms suhaila all the while is staring at me like i did something wrong!~ although i really did something wrong.arggggggggg.:)) chinese prelim oral tomorrow andd seriously hope to beat doris andd wenjing if can?? <33>
yepps. trial oral i got 45 over 50 yayys. but i really hope to get the same marks or higher this time. ^^ JY JY!!
:)) byess. <33>
screwed up every single thing and im not gonna let my main paper to be screwed too!~
Monday, July 28 || 4:17 PM
:)) nagged. nagged. nagged.
todayy.. oral dry-run in the morningg!~ :D
although just sit here and there but it took 45 mins. :))
den social studiess. nobody's listening in my roww. noww sayhao oso join us toking about audition ;)
not nice to sayy but we were calling each other noobs. xD
den art lesson!~ yayys.
i finished my that awful pizza drawingg.
andd when we get our autograph book design that time, tzehin was like get his liao go mdm assan there and say 'look how beautiful it is? why only get C?' its was like he's sayin wif the puppy-look facee damn funny even mdm assan laughed but she never change to b. :D
den recess!~ blahh blahh.
den chinese!~ do higher.chi exam paper. like first question everyone look at each other liao?!
so damn hard and its from raffles girls'.
wow. they are pro.
denn mathss.
irritatingg zack cheong he is.
andd ernest brought penknife to school and he's tryin to kill himself. =.=''
den yanhui wrote down his name ^^
music!~ yayyss.
den we sangg songgs blew recorderr :)) lurve it!~
denn. have our lunchh.
den maths supp.
argggg.. but its superr funnyy before mrstan come in.
the class was in a crazyy state. andd shunhe go fight with tzehin den he fell on marcus!
superr funnnyyy!! hahass. cos its like tzehin just fell on marcus's lap den he still sit over there for like 2 min?! den marcus was like screamingg in pain!! LOL. den he wanna have revenge on him. den mrstan comee.
den english remedial.
did compre and compre close.
den ms chew go ask the people who havent have the oral den must havee.
O.O so im the third to go. cos its by rows.
she said im a potential ten marks in my readingg. yayyss!! i was like soo happyy den her next sentence is 'but you must slow down and readd' so its nine? but i cant slow down.. i wanna come and get over it!~ den picturee. hmm. she said she likes my conclusion. ^^ yayys. but the sentence structure is a sadd onee. ><>< color="#ff0000">-psle chinese booklet specimen paper and last exercise for compre OE.-maths textbook as usual.andd i tink thats all. :)) byess. <33 xinyii.
dumb dumb dumb dumb!~ your 'stupidityy' is the fatal potion.
Friday, July 25 || 7:25 PM
:)) yeshh!!
seamus just told me that zack got 10th in the first place den he cheated so he ran again. den he got slower than me.
YESH!~ so i've reached my targett.
yayyss. yayys.. yayyss!!!!!!
15th position!!!~ yayys yayys yayys!!
|| 6:31 PM
:)) this is a nightmare!~ i cant believe it!!!
napfa 1.6km. used to lurve it. now i hate it.
arggg.. marcus won me!!~~ arggggg...
nooooooooooooo..... its a nightmaree!~
angrryy. >< thought that i can get my 15th position but at last kiahian suddenly forgot that he have three rubberbands den he go cut my lane den he got 15tH!!!~~ so i got 16th lahhs. ARRGG.
same as last year!~ wad kind of logic is this?!
yeah. den two ppl cheated lahhs.
no offence but sherard is lying to guard himself again.
well, he said that its not him but i still remember just now wj and i together jogging in front of him den he go take the rubberbands that time he still say 'woahs, they give me two rubberbands lehhs!'
so he eventually CHEATED.
at first thought that he lidat den i can get into 15th position de so i was like overjoyed.
but at last he got 7th. =.=''
so i was like '....sianzz diao....'
D: D: D: D: vehh sadd lahhs!
so i was like telling evangeline and leeyin to try their best to get top 20 but. sadly, they got ** lahhs.
so we played catching in the napfa.
leeyin andd xianli was like supposed to catch me lahhs.
yeah. at last xianli got her target for position. as she got 30+ last year so she did improve ALOT.
:)) argg. i still believe that i can lose to marcus alim. >< >< ><
yeah. so doris be the first girl as expected. den wenjing oso expected. andd ME :D
den just good i win LOSER. or u can sayy that. she didnt even run =.=''
she was like sayyin second round she almost fainted. wow.like real.
cos when we go home she was like NORMAL.
andd she can even laugh. =.='' =.=''
quite angrryy. but at least i get my gold?
how i wish i can go see my timing!! ><
den wenjing xianli doris and i went to give out the rubberbands cum cheering them up :D
yeah. den we go exchange position with yuheng sherman tzehin andd er.. shunhe? i tink so.
den kept givingg out liao go backk. ^^
so like we were like too boredd so we went to tell mschew that we wanna stay backk to help them carry thingss go back school so she allowed us. :D
den some of us takee waterbottles, boxes aka trayys.
den went home togetherr.
muscle cramp on my legg now lahhs.. xD
haiiz. i hate thiss. i wanna get 15th position cant even get. D:
lost to marcus alim. D: D:
andd been sprayed water by seamus although i stepped on his shoes each time he sprayyed me lahhs. but im like half-drenched.
andd doris went to run onto a puddle of mud which spats out make until all of our pe shorts andd my legg which is the worst become full of mud ><
andd even my wound oso have mud. pain like siao. D:
erms. from seamus. he said that my timing is 8.27.
and he said that its slow!~ ><
gtg liaoo.
too much homeworkk!~
:)) byess. <33 xinyii.
the glare. the stare. its one of the pieces to the puzzle.
Thursday, July 24 || 2:09 PM
:)) happyy-sad-terrified-shock dayy.
tmrr napfa 1.6km le. yayyss :D
todayy maths.
class finally noes the answer to the angles-circles question.
andd the answer is : it maybe cancelled as there is two answerss. wow.
den why do it in the first placee?
yeah.. den social studies..
nida go bring thread it is to measure the mapp...
pe lesson..
boringg!!! andd who the heck is the culprit is superr duperr COWARDD!~~
wasted our pe timeee!~ like go die can??!!
arggg.. but at the last 13 min went to pe.
andd it is to playy monkey game or possesion ball game.
so group three which is my group with evangeline's dunno wad to playy so we chose possesion ball game. but at last.. we dun even know how to play it!~
so we played monkeyy.. ><
its kindaa stupidd to me actuallyy xD
den chinese lesson.
did zuowen which nida pass up at the same time. so at the last 2min i finished :D
so no nida bring home and do. :))
english lesson.
no offence but im half asleep when we were supposed to read the article on the mypalstimes!~
science lesson. :D
went through the paper it is.
english lesson again.
so we were supposed to discuss this news article.
its superrr funny.. cos we took the article which have a woman lifting up her shirt which shows her tummy den we kept covering it xD and that article is related to the article which tzehin put up on the notice board. so we were like halfwayy read liao. den skipp to another article cos its soo longg. den read the veh short de.. which is the Dead Body found in Chai Chee.
its superr creepyy too!!
the neighbour of the victim said that at about 2am midnight, wait. this is wad he said. i try to remember lahhs. 'i thought that its a dream as i can hear very heavy footsteps next door and its like someone's running and loud noises.' imagine lahhs. 2am midnight experiencing this!~
yeah.. den on the other side is about the singapore fest on flowers andd its superr expensive for one person. ><
denn tzehin was like singing the dragon tale theme songg.
well, im quite annoyed but its my favourite show when i was p2 or p3 lahhs!~
i still rememberr it quite clearlyy. :))
den whole dayy we were like talking about audition.. although my sister dun allow me to playy. >< but i still remember lahhs.
andd he finally agrees with me that audition is better than maple!~ hahas. i win this time. yays!
sadd that xianli had a serious stomach virus so she may not be going to school tomorrow. but she oso dunno lahhs. cos she dun wanna run 1.6km with the failures when she can pass.
so i was like giving her somee opinions if she dun wanna go school tomorrow on the wayy home like er.. put white powder on her face den lie down on the bed act sick. or even stayy in the toilet den groan in pain when parents come home xDD eww. gross.
anw, yeah.. hope she go school tomorrow! ^^
is this counted as long post? erms. wadever!
:)) byess. <33 xinyii.
; It's hard to look innocent when I got cookie crumbs all over my face.
Wednesday, July 23 || 1:25 PM
:)) tiredd dayy.
todayy english lesson.
did 2007 nsw english. and its like the last page i just anyhow put the answers den pass up.
D: realli hope i guess correct. ^^
andd mschew played the somekind 'concentration' disc.
but instead of makin me concentrate, i was more TIREDD.
>< color="#3366ff">-xi zi
-zuo ye fu xi 2-science paper section A-maths textbook which i dun do. pg 87.i think that's all, yeah.. its a torture in p6!!!! PSLE!~hurry come and get over it~!28 dayys to prelim. 51 dayys to PSLE. 8 more dayys to prelim oral.:)) byess. <33 xinyii.
i don't need an imitation, i want the real creation.
Tuesday, July 22 || 4:33 PM
not so happyy dayy.
YOU'RE A LOSER!angryy. angryy.angryy!!.................................................:)) not so happyy dayy.
todayy. total have like 8periods of english.. which is oso known as 4h.
andd did the mgs paper. D:
darnit. i did like soo soo soo badlyy for the previous de. and nida sign?!
die le.. D: D: D:
haizz.. is over 100% DIE!
den the mgs paper is er.. 70% hard for me?? D:
andd todayy nsw maths!~ veh veh stupidd of me!!!
i wrote the section B WRONGLYY!! and its ALL do WRONGLY!!
den actually i can get correct de!! AHHH!!
die die die!!
haiiyoo. hmm.. anw, its OVER!~ yepps. so its like no use liao.. ><
half an hour a dayy with computer its like so littlee!!
andd todayy's english supp class. 'mock' oral.. D:
but :)) cos stopped at ME!
so its like next tuesdayy den my turn! :D although im the first ><
andd veh veh veh HAPPYY. cos todayy got chinese 'mock' oral for me mahhs.
den my turn liao.. den i get full marks for my readingg!~ :D
yeshhh!~ den picture she was like so scaryy!~cos i was like tok finish liao mahhs. den she go use her BIG BIG BIG eyes look at me!~ damn scaryy. but still get 8/10 for that. whew.
den conversation get 9marks. yayys.
at least beat that loser. ^^
i wanna beat her in everything!~ andd its EVERYTHING.
although she beat me in english now D:
haiss. :)) thats all.
im tiredd. and i almost doze off in class~ kept drinking water :D
:)) byess. <33 xinyii.
i don't need an imitation. i want the real creation.
Monday, July 21 || 5:08 PM
:)) half-drenched.
yepps. rain like siaoo.
den i nvr bring my umbrella!!~
everytime got bring never rain, never bring got rain!!
argg. yeah den leeyin lend me hers!~ so sweet :D
but when she go liao. i opened it.
its like baby size to me. D:
yeah.. den pei jennifer go call her mother..
after that her mother come liao. but unfortunately, her mother never bring an extra one!
so i have to take leeyin's.
its like superr small!
yeah.. so im like half-drenched lahhs. but just good my bagg never wet!~ :))
added another new song. :D
imitation by melee.
the starting sounds veh 80s lahhs. but the chorus veh nice!!
yepps. andd my legg got worser todayy. its much more painful!! like wth lahhs??!!
1.6km come liao den lidat?~ this morning i reached school with a wanna practicallyy scream in pain feelingg lahhs!~
andd i <33 pocketful of sunshinee!!~~ :))
yayys. yeah, gtg vehh soon..
this few dayys you may see me online for 30 minutes, sometimes earlier le. D:
yeah, thats all!~
short post to me lahhs.. ><
:)) byess. <33 xinyii.
Sunday, July 20 || 8:42 PM
:)) somekind training dayy it is.
so yeah. i was first to reach den doris den xianli..
so we were bouncing the basketball den wenjing's familyy comee.
so we take her father's car to nyjc :D
den on the wayy.. saw doris's maid den in the car all of us were like kept waving at her den she was like giving that blank stare looking at us!!
damn damn damn funnyy :))
so we were like the onlyy one there?
den we jogged for 4 rounds and blah blah..
den go doris's house for a whilee..
we played basketball there :D
denn er.. we went back to watch mr.fighting, yeah..
doris was like inquisitively asking questions about that show.
den er.yeah. blah blah blah..
denn about 4+ go nyjc again for basketball this time :))
andd met xuanli chuansheng. yepps. so we asked for the ball lahhs..
den we playyed our own gamee.
andd i was like snatching the ball from doris as its a match.
at last, she fall on me instead!~
two bruises on both knees!!!
damn painn..
den reach home liao i was like wanna die lidat!~
and it eventually bleed lahhs.
now its like blue-black!!! andd painn.
with like dots dots on the surface.
yeah den junese oso come join in :))
so we played lahhs..
yeah.. den went home!
just finished my enrichment. supplementary. and maths section C it is but a few questions blank D: yeahh.. andd whoever heard me talking about boys please please please SLAP my HAND!~ not facee.duh..
yepps :)) please dun let me been called out tomorrow!~
thats all!~ :D
:)) byess. <33 xinyii.
|| 8:39 PM
:)) i won for the not sleeping marathon!
yepps! cos we were happilyy watching some movies which my mum bought den halfway through its like er.. the meetingg partt.. den she slept! andd its about 2.50am at that time!~
so yeah. den i went to sleep at 3am.. :D
|| 12:08 AM
:)) currently having this not sleepingg marathon against my sister!~cant sleeP!!yepps. so i wonder how long can i bear it liaoo.:D hahas.. so now is like 1am liao?and im still so energetic but.. i damn boredd!~and im serious when i sayy DAMN cos its superr boringg..yeah, now she's acting asleep.. attention seeker xDshould i do my homeworks now?but if i do i halfwayy sure sleep liao..argg.. boreddd D: D:BOREDDD.BORED is the word!!haiyoo.. i nida off the computer liao.do you call this cheating?cos to her, it is. wow.okayys.:)) byess. <33>
Saturday, July 19 || 9:52 PM
:)) went out todayy.
yepps, and i totally forgot about my homework,
so tomorrow which is the somekind training dayy with wenjing doris and xianli in nyjc :D
yeah, den after running go playy basketball. yayys.
yepps. andd a homework dayy.
todayy morning been woken up.
have to go buyy groceries with my mum. argg.
apparently i was half asleep all a while lahhs.
den buyy liao. went across cos she wanna buyy something den i and sis was like boredd. while i was erms. awaked liao..
den i was waitingg waitingg and waitingg.
den suddenly met waiyheng!
she was like going, 'hoxinyi!' hiii!!'
yepps and i said hii to her too :D
den went home to use the com for a while den we went to expo :))
andd we go there cos there is this library books sale :D
and when we reached there..
its like in the market with bookss everywhere!~
and supperrr dupperr cheapp like siaoo.
so i bought two books.
one is the erms. the headless cupid andd erms. by the madison thingy.
its super nice!
den my mum was like walkin here and there lookin here and there and endd up with like 6 books?and she bought all of it. wow. i dun even think she's gonna read xD
andd she bought a book which is er.. test ur IQ de.. but its in chinese lahhs D:
so some words i was like going 'blah blah' or 'wadever wadever' and even 'shen me shen me'
so i was like guess guess can guess correct :D
yeah.. andd soon its like 7+ le.. so we went to eat our dinner there :))
den went home.. :D finally.
&& yepps^^ so here i am..
haizz.. im dead beat lahhs.
yeah.. so i guess thats all :D
here are the homeworks! :
-science paper
-maths paper
i think thats all..
thats all :D
:)) byess. <33 xinyii.
Friday, July 18 || 4:22 PM
:)) not much to sayy todayy.
but its fun fun fun :D during mt lahhs.
one serious thing is we dun tok about boyys. andd thatss a FACT!.
tired. exhausted. ohyeah.
:)) byess. <33>
Thursday, July 17 || 6:00 PM
:)) so i cant resist it xD
happyy and sadd ><
happy that todayy's pe is veryy fun ^^
sadd that nida studyy.
todayy. maths lesson!!
i have to exchange place with dominic!!
like wad thee.. and so im like sitting with a somekind clever person..
argg.. but beside me got yanhui :DD
argg. its like i sit alone there didnt even do anything that provoke her.. ><
grats. first row. first row. FIRST ROW!!
and the screen is just right in front of me. D:
disadvantages :
-cant do my homework which i forgot to do
-andd i cant chat with evangeline
&& its seriously BORED there!!
andd evangeline was like sayin..
now im surrounded by BOYS.
wow. yeah. i agree with that..
but i wanna sit at the back!!
cann even read the book i like most!~ argg..
well, at least todayy tzehin was like not too bad. but as usual.. veh talkative. =.='' which he is lahhs.andd he said that sherman scratched him until got marks and he showed me on his hands.
i was like wanna laugh like siao. there's 3 lines of marks in deep red.
wow. den they somekind quarrel again..
yepps. den english lesson.. :))
dotes is pronouced as 'dough-tes' and ms chew said that her friend said that its 'dots'.
xD hahas.
tomorrow got dreadful four periods of english continuously! realli hope mschew will go lit the erms. i forgot wad is it called. woots?
yeah.. and todayy i went to see the notebook which records down the class's 'criminals'
and its like four pages long for 'bringin sweet drinks to class'?
yepps. didnt wanna type much.
andd my handd is like broken?
anw, like same state as trina lahhs.
i cant even write during mt!!
and its superr pain!!
i cant even move my 2nd finger!~ and my bone hurts..
den i was like struggling and trina said that 'go to the serangoon there etc,etc.for treatment~'
lols.. my handd got so serious mahhs? ><
i guess thats all?
:)) byeeess <33 xinyyii.
counting down 58 dayys to psle.. :D
one wouldn't cry for results but cry for friendship.
Monday, July 14 || 4:05 PM
:)) once and for all.
dun feel like postin anymoree. ><
supperr tiredd todayy.
andd we are gonna do our first english prelim paper tomorrow~ xD
realli hope to get good marks, yeah.
gtg le..
andd i dun tink so im gonna post le lahhs. maybe?
byees. <33 xinyii :))
Sunday, July 13 || 12:48 PM
:)) backk.
just finished the science paper and the maths paper section A & B only.
argg. stupid section C!
andd my rightt hand is like paralyzed!~
i cant move it like ninty degree?!
yepps. and blah blah blah..
nth much to typee about anywayyss.
and i must sayy this that is erms.
i <33 purple like crazy but i HATE all rockies members excludin boyys lahhs.
but excludingg Cindyyy too :DD
school TOMORROW.. D:
still nida stayy back.
i think thats all. yeah..
:)) byyees <33 xinyyii.
Friday, July 11 || 9:43 PM
changed blogskin :D
<33 purplee lotss.
:)) byess.
|| 7:03 PM
:)) NAPFA todayy.
didnt expect that my shuttle run can get B :DD
yepps :))
situps 37. is it good?
standingbroadjump 158cm. doris get 170~ wow. ><
sitandreach 34cm. just right C! :DDD
ipu 23. doris did 33~ like wth?!
shuttlerun 11.78s. at least i improved! :))
yepps. so all got chance get GOLD :))
but i must ask this question to the WORLD!
its like so wat the helll!~~
it suckss!~ or u can say i suck lahhs xD
but i hate it..!! H.A.T.E!!
but yayyyss!~~
finalllyyyy OVER!~
but still got 1.6km :))
dun sayy i crazy but i seriously like it! :D
woo :DD
den erms. wenjing and doris and me wanna go train together ^^
well, okayys. den after that we went to buy food to replenish our energy :))
den erms. yeah. xianli and i went to the playground playy for a while cos she dun wanna go home so fast as she has tuition xDD
so we played till 6pm lahhs. den we walked home.
summary for todayy :))
-happy tt i get a gold :))
-angry as i cant beat doris in some of the stations :((
-surprised that doris get silver. ._.
and im like so GLAD that i joined chinese dance!~
like for the first time?!
i can actually do the 'chopsticks' for like very long without any pain!~
WOW. for the first time! :DD
tiredd.. ><
but later going to malaysia liao.. sianz..
annd im going to cut my hair!~ like wtf?!!
xDD i wann my hairr backk!~
my layered hairr!!
hurry 1.6km~ i wann runn!~
<33 to run long distances xD
i wanna break my record!~
i wanna be at least erms. position 5-13 in class!
i wannn!!!
haiiz, i realli nida go now. WILL miss this com ALOT ><
yeah. i guess that's all then.
byyeess :)) <33 xinyi
Thursday, July 10 || 7:54 PM
:)) NAPFA test tomorrow!~
i totally sucks at shuttlerun.
i totally likes standing broad jump.
todayy PE ^^
played catching which is girls catch boyys again.
but this time is that when we caught him den we can want him to either dance or sing.
&& i caught some but they dun dare to dance when i asked them to.
well, or they are walking like michael jackson to them as dancing.
mschew scold the boys who played paper and guns.
wow. and they are like so creative in makin the guns.
wif all kinds of pens. ><
:)) tzehin is standing broad FALL. not standing broad JUMP. and it makes me laugh like crazy when the sight of it appears xDD wahahahhaas.
i wanna have my revenge back!~ :DD
i wanna have my gold again for napfa!~~ iwannn!
gtg now. byess. :)) -xinyi-
Wednesday, July 9 || 9:11 PM
:)) boo!~
i am laughing at benedict's dp now. which is so damn funnyy!~
todayy was not bad as usual. :)
todayy noon went to doris's house :))
this few dayys i was like so much closer to her xD
anw, den we played like siao as usual.
den xianli went to play in the swimming pool den we all went to playy
at first played at the slide there.
den at last we were all wet in the pool splashin at each other :DD
thx for seamus the ball is saved anw.
cos xianli go anyhow kik and it roll down to the drain and roll down to the corner which is damn eww. xD
yeah. and im all drenched den took a bus home.
but xianli went to change cos she got pe attire.
yeah, den doris and i was like talkin about last time erms. last year after sports dayy that time go her house play in the rain.
haizz. next time cannot play liao D:
haiyoo. i nida go liaox.
too tired :x
byyess ;D
Tuesday, July 8 || 4:24 PM
:)) finally.
;)) yepps.
no homework.
for like after so stressing weeks finally can rest for one day! :DD
so today was not bad ^^
and its realli funny when its like 12.58pm? i dunno lahhs.
and everyone was like waiting for just 1pm den can have lunch liaox.
den tzehin was like sayyin all those 'fatmama''s jokes which made sherman yuheng evangeline and me laugh like siao. ohyea. and leeyin. and li sen? i guess so.
den he was like sayyin 'your mama is so ugly that when she go for ugly competition, the judges said 'no pros'.' i noe lahhs.
its kinda lame to you.
but another one which is seriously funny is about the buying wallet.
den he was like sayin halfway den bell ring. xD
den supplementary. :)) science.
we did the water hyacinth experiment. :)) lurve it.
den i andd erms. someother gals go take water ^^
but i was somekind annoyed by one of them!
fyi. please ignore this.
you think you veh good izzit?! only know how to flirt and act pro!~
yeahs. den english :)
erms. doris's sister which is known as lisa. so their class come to our class cos ms chew finished the hydroponics with them.
yeah. okayys.
den its like she say that they will be with us for like 30mins?
den we got forum.
is television good?
den the p3 boys which had split to my group. D:
no gals sia.
den erms. tzehin was like do you think that television is good?
den the boy was like sayin. yes.
den he said WHY?
den evangeline was like sayin ' i think you are scaring them. as in like you are so bigg and they are like so small.' which made me laf like siao again.
den lisen is like so good at handling kids lahs?
although he seemed like he's been bullied by us. xD
erms. we pressed all the liquid and everything on his table and he had to throw awayy. xD
yayys. later can go kovan erms.yeah. with my mother ^^
nida go revise liao!~ i noe lahhs. didnt noe that i will revise rite?! but i wanna reach my goal desperately xD haiz.
byes. :))
Monday, July 7 || 11:44 AM
darn that tweenie!
make us cannot finish the seriously fun campfire! darn YOU!
so we did have outdoor campfire.
and the settin fire part is soo damn cool.
where two ppl stand from like level3 and put the fire to the string den it roll down.
:)) so nice..
yepps and its like im the one who get soo crazy among the yzgroup so i was like going crazy with mindy kehui and peihwa and the other one. i dunno her at all xD
den we were like jumpin here and there ^^
its like so so so fun!
until when ms siti and ms suhaila from behind tell us 'girls, we nida go bac school already.'
den we were like 'wtf?!'
the thing ends at 9.30pm den we leave at 8.30pm?!
den xianli was like asking that the consent form says that its 9.45pm mahs.
den ms siti was like sayin. o.o cos we gave them the other forms.
den peihwa and the other girl still at the campfire cos they can go back their own.
argg. i oso can!
den went home. with a pathetic look D:
den yeah..
seriously sadd.
den ms suhaila sae that there will be chief comm badge camp again!~ and its in our school!~
and she ask if the seniors can help out!~
woots.. ^^
im senior!~ i finished the badge xD
den xianli was like veh sadd cos she cant be senior.
den next year she still nida go bac.
seriously hope that wang jing wen from pcps oso can go help out with her school badge.
den it will be ^^ ^^ ^^ :))
den i can giv her her elmo :D
realli hope so. :))
i seriously tired liaox. byess.
how i wish time machine existed.
Saturday, July 5 || 2:53 PM
thunders and lightning how dare you..
campfire indoors because of YOU!
fun real fire is better than boring fake fire like YOU.
argg. )):
okayys. erms.
first thing first.
i seriously hate thunders and lightnings NOW!
but dunno later how are we gonna have campfire D:
cos its like 3+pm now and its rainingg.. D:
and campfire is like 7?
please.. godd.. please.. dun rain :))
yepps. yesterday hadd sushi ^^
and just have my favourite noodles and my favourite onion-egg :))
haiz. so sianz at homee lahhs.
both of my sisters oso go out D:
just finished my maths enrichment and english psle booklet ^^
and i seriously have noo mood to do anyting le.
please stop raining!!!!
haiiyaa. i now oso dun have to mood to post le xD
nitetime maybe not postin bahx.
cos i now dun usually get to be online cos i will be happily playin with someother things.
so tmr den post bahx.
seriously cold now.
izzit becos of the rain? or izzit becos i got the virus in 6b?
tokin to doris anw. and she asked me to watch tv when i am bored which is now.
but its Mr.Fighting AGAIN!~
its like the 3rd time repeating le?
<3 sunxiezhi and wangrenfu lahhs.
:D so shuaix.
its not raining now. xD
yayss. ^^
i gtg now liaoo.
<3 byes.
Friday, July 4 || 4:51 PM
youthday holidayy. finally.
but lotsa homeworkas usual..
so did everyting as usual..
yeah.. blah blah blah as usual..
just that some things i realised/special about todayy:
1. i didnt know that the new student has a somekind like beijing accent. and he is quite vulgar. but who cares?
2. didnt know that *she* is so evil.
thats all yeah?
and im like somekind doomed.
seems like my hatred sister read my blog and she noe that i hate her xD die.
its like soo scary!~
cos' everytime i reach home she will be like treat so good to me. (like real)
den today she was like giving me that ' so?-i dun care- wadever' look.
and that time she even saw me posting but im not so sure whether she looked at that.
ohyea. tmr got campfire and wenda said that its gonna be an outdoor!~ like finallyyy~
i cant tolerate the campfire at bowen!~
but seriously enjoy myself in the previous one but its in bowen.
but hope that mingli will go :D den can playy again. ^^
haiz.. i wanna go brownies den ms suhaila and ms siti dun alloww!~
i wanna go browniess!~
i wann!
den can playy!
den can chat!
i dun mind helpin the tweenies anw!~ I JUST WANT!
okiee. i seriously nida go now. byees :))
Thursday, July 3 || 2:18 PM

:)) byes.
|| 1:33 PM
soo mannyy lahhss.
mathstextbook-39 -41& 83-113 if im not wronng for second one..
english psle booklet erms. graphicstimulus..compre..still got lahhs. forgot liaoo.
chinese got zuowen to do D: jus good tuesdayy pass up :D
andd er..yeah..
<3 scieennce :)) although i sucks in it sometimes.
but realli had fun. :D
dunno whyy..i got depression izzit? xD
but i dunno why that i dun have any mood to do anytingg.. ><
gratss. thats scaryy.
yepps. and now ruth is sending the bdayy celebration photos!~
yesh!~ can post le :D
and reached home and see that my hatred sister has no school as exams are over for her.
eww. grossed.
anw, i nida go le!~
byyeess ^^
Wednesday, July 2 || 4:11 PM
#1 crime!~ lau tze hin
i wanna sue him for poking me with his damn pen on my shoulder that really hurttss D:
and he took my stationaries for like no reason. ><
#2 crime!~ lee shun he
i wanna sue him for spreading rumours of me and tzehin when i prefer a SKINNY one.
andd he seriously likes to spread rumours about EVERYTHING! BEWARE OF HIM!~
[End of Crime]
hmm.. kinda happyy that evangeline sat with me during maths lesson :DD
and we shared some secrets together lahhs. ^^
den todayy..
hmm.. there is one new student who has joined our hchinese class.
er.. okayys.
which i tink is like damn FAMILIAR!~
and mr ching sae that he was in this school den go other sch for a few years den come back yesterdayy. which is like so crazzyyy? gonna prelim liaoo still wanna join us.. xD
den i got a feeling that he will think our class is the crazy type lorhhx.
we were like so noisyy. i think?
den seamus sat on a chair which is in a 'limp'.
den i and shuying was like laughing ><
den er.. assembly :)
izzit? erms. wadever.
and p6 and erms. p3 or p4 lahhs. i tink is p4 though.
get the same score as us ><
but nvm..
and i wonder lahhs. why when timothy go and sae the ans that time, almost all the p6 ppl was like cheering for him like siaoo.. hmm.. yyy??
anw, yeah..
fine dayy..
den erms.. doris was like saein she veh veh bored. wan us to go her house.
so we went..
but its quite short only lahhs. cos gonna prelim le. izzit?
den we cant go fren's house like everytime.. D:
so we did our english psle booklet le. den we went down and playy badminton :D
veh long nvr playy le. but still stamina is up up up :))
den here i am..
took bus 58 home as usual..
den xianli took erms. 58 den go another bus stop go home.
and in the condominium, we were like going crazy in the fitness there which is in front of mark's house. den i tink its his mother came out. izzit?
but didnt saw us i guess.
den we were like playin here and there. ^^
den we went bac her house and playyed uno. den doris go tuition den we go home :D
as usual. i gtg now. buhbyes :D