“If You ever come back”
June 2008
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October 2008
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December 2008
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February 2011
Friday, August 29 || 6:10 PM
:)) teacher's day. wenjing's birthday.
okayys. quite unluckyy actually.
but nvm. its over :))
aces dayy.
laughs laughs.
denn science :D
i bought mr goh the cookie monster.
yayys. andd he love it.
andd its somekind expensive too.
went to the ava room.
blah blah blah.
reallyy sorry? for the boyys.
to waste their time during recess?
denn chinese.
i was like vehh vehh tiredd.
ohyea, mr goh asked us to go up.
tell him the marks.
i was furious of one thing.
when wj andd i went into 6d,
i stood beside him, wj beside him too.
there's this fatty idiot. suddenly went
pushing me.
er.. yeahh.
den she go push me aside with her damn butt.
but anw, mr goh.
went to start with me first.
so she was like.. flushed?
den, teacher's day concert.
seriously,this year's is kinda boring.but wenjing andd i wereaddicted to 'angels brought me here'hahas!~we were singing the chorus. blehhs.xianli thought that we were mad. LOL.andd when the prefects andd monitorssinging the first song, i was laughing like siao.cos theyy looked like they were singing the charity show's song. andd their wayy of standing.LOL. seriously,no offence. xDhehes. then,lunch timee.
we went to the staff room.
wanting to give some teachers pressie.
so there were lotsa secondaryy ppl.
andd all of a sudden,
ALICIA! ~yepps! saw her at the staff room door there.! :DD
hahas. denn went to the canteen.
dedicated a song for wenjingg.
not prank now lahhs.
from. me andd doris.
andd msg is: hapyy happy 12th birthday.
andd the song is happy birthday by click five.
but at last, its 1.29pm.
so we didnt got a chance to listen to it.
wad the..
denn realised that she left my rose on the table
in canteen.
so i was like wth?!
so i ran down while she went back to class
to tell the teacher that i went to the washroom.
denn went running down like crazyy ppl
denn realised that its fine. PHEW!
denn went upp.
did listening.
when downstairs singing the
'angels brought me here' ,
all of us were singingg.
out of tune somemore!
andd we went to the hall.
watchingg those cute little ones dancing.
andd mr riduan.
he looked so kiddy!
denn went to level 4.
chatting chatting..
denn at the stairs there.
zack, tzehin, nigel, doris came in total.
kept making fun of.
denn went to the hall.
played virus. blah blah..
actingg. LOL.
cos all the ppl go liao.
denn i was like profusely
meltingg while seeing the
cedarr girls. :DD
andd wj dun wanna go xms
liao.. seeing their uniform.
so she's insulting my beloved sister lahhs!
yeahh. denn went down eat..
denn met doris theyy all.
den went home.
thats all!~
:)) smart! ~ xinyii.'If you could see what I see You're the answer to my prayers And if you could feel the tenderness I feel You would know It would be clear That angels brought me here
Wednesday, August 27 || 9:21 PM
:)) new blogskin but not updated.
im so tired after much considerations!
so i tmr then change
the profile, etc.
well, its
PINK.pink pink pink.
all the purple not nice liao.
so i just so so so boredd.
that i chose this.
denn i've decided the next
blogskin i gonna put.
im damn tiredd.
with my sister beside me
commending all the
andd when i chose this,
my sister was like sayying
'tts my last time blogskin!'
so im supposed to choose
every single UGLY skins!
i jus wanna throw myself
to the bedd now.
byess. nites!
:)) smart! ~ xinyii.'happy early birthday to Yvonne. Zax Wang.for tomorrow.andd Wenjing !!
|| 3:12 PM
:)) wed. fun-dayy.
morning dunno whyy feeling
so happy for no reason.
so i happy happy the whole
dayy. xDD
maths andd science.
the ones that i tink can
add marks got add.
went upp to class put bagg.
saww wenjing andd doris
at the staircase there.
so we went to the classroom
andd chat chat for awhile.
:) denn went down.
at first, no teacher. :))
at last, mrs tan in class!
maths i got +2 marks.
yayys! :))
denn science! :))
yayys. +1 1/2 marks for
section b. :D
denn recess.
went to studyy room which
is also known as our chatting
room. LOL.
did compo corrections.
tts all? :DD
its the first ever time
that rickson,seamus andd i
talk until so nice. LOL.
we were supposed to do
zuowen. okayys. fine.
in less than 1 hour.
mus do finish in order to know
our overall marks for hmt.
denn rickson theyy all.
agreed with me.
loser is
'si yao mian zi'
she actually lied to rickson.
denn duringg chinese.
rickson cant stop but kept
sayyin me that whyy i nvr
get 1 more mark in order
to win seamus?!!~
~ wth! ~ he didnt even beat
him. whyy me?!~
denn music dayy. :)
tzehin was making fun
of the hsm song.
denn wj, me were laughing like
doris andd i persuaded
to stayy back. :DD
well, we are supposed to do our
work lahhs. but ended up. playyingg.
LOL. when we
came down from the hall,
we went to put our baggs down.
just when
we wanted to go buy food,
the 5A fm.. >
charles from primary
6D, wants to dedicate
the song,
'kidnap my heart' to
who is from 6D.'
denn we startedd to laugh ><
denn while wj went to call her
parents, doris andd i went to
sabo her. ><
we dedicate from you-know-who
to her. :D
vivien paid the money,
doris wrote the paper,
i chose the song.
denn went to ask darshini to do it
andd she realli did it!
everyone went clapping andd pointing.
denn afterthat wenjing went strangling ppl.
afterthat went to buyy chicken rice for lunch.
darn you.
denn i was like halfwayy through eating.
no appetite.
and its seriously no appetite.
so just went to throw it away. ><
but nobodyy pointing me :D
so is that a good sign?
anw, denn realised that doris had fallen down
at the 'tunnel'. DARN YOU MARCUS.
doris's knee bleed. D:
so wj andd i immediately went to
the general office to get a plaster.
D: denn went to canteen
her skin is apparently
peeling lahhs.
denn isabel
went to bring her to the
general office again
to help her put
the medicine tingy.
denn after that.
when we go back canteen.
asked mark.
andd realised that the 6a boyys go liao
denn we went to libraryy.
i nida do my homework. ):
while doris andd wenjing watch me?
denn went down to eat again. LOL.
denn chatted with viven.
denn went to the bookshop.
chat chat chat.
andd we decided
wadd to buy for teachers
and of course, WENJING. :D
hahas. fridayy.
alot of events. XD
3 bdays going on,
aces day,
teachers' day.
:DD yeahh.
denn went home at about 2.40pm.
andd got one more song dedication.
seamus to sherard. LOL.
second time.
first time. 'i love you' . hot by avril.
this time. 'i love you'.
girlfriend by avril. xDD
so the whole 6b was like er.. strangling
each other? laughing? pointing? LOL.
enough of thesee fundayy. post :D
okayys. byess!
:)) smart! ~ xinyii.
'mus listen carefully for tmr.
im so gonna write seamus.
maybee? xDD
this song dedication now
does not apply to teachers.
but US! :DD
Tuesday, August 26 || 4:07 PM
:)) english results.
shocked that evangeline
got **
andd doris.. haizz.
jiayous jiayous.
dun give upp. (:
well, me.
stop doingg
those stupidd
careless mistakes!
if i hadnt wrote 'them'
in my synthesis,
i would have gotten full marks
for that.
if i had wrote 's' in the
word 'disaster',
i would have gotten like wad?
if i had checked my oas
for chinese,
my multiple choice will get
like full marks?!
ahh.. ><
won doris for english.
science. chinese.
lost to her for maths. )):
won loser for english.
lost to her for chinese.
i sound so depressed.
thats all!
~ byess!
:)) smart! ~ xinyii.
footprints in the sandd.
Monday, August 25 || 3:24 PM
:)) results day.
early in the morningg.
tot that i was late. xD
so i ran to the concourse.
its 7.09am~!
wad the..
denn went up with
xianli as i saww herr
while going upp
the hall.
denn realised that
we were going to sing
the songg from hsm.
for music dayy.
art lesson..
finished myy pretty ndp08
artpiece. so went to help
doris to colour..
well, i stepped the monster's foot.
andd he didnt react at all.
so i tot its nth. ><
denn we went to the lib.
study room.
laughing. arguing. chatting. :)
denn when i go bac class,
my stationaries from my pencil case
has been taken out.
so does doris's.
like wad the heck?!~
darn you monster.
denn chinese.
got our paper.
got a.
but its so loww.
from my expectations.
denn maths.
we got our papers back.
er.. same marks. didnt change at all.
until when loser's paper was shown
on the visualizer so i guess i got 2 marks ?
denn music.
boringg.. xD
denn lunch time.
monster is using all the good boyys to help
him to take revenge on us!
wad the heck.
but at last,
the boyys andd us together pretend.
HAHA. damn funny. ><
its just when harrick kept coming to us
to tell us wad monster had said.
well, its so irritating.
andd he used tzehin to step me =.=''
the funny part.
tzehin: ** told me to step you,
now, pretend like you are stepped.
so he stomped his foot on the ground.
denn i go lift up my legg.
me: OUCH! go die lahhs! xDD
denn monster believed that i had
been stepped~ :)
as when i act, doris blocked me.
denn when doris act, i blocked her.
~ harrick went to act with her.
denn afterthat.
the 'couple' ran chasingg in the parade square.
LOL. denn i went to helpp doris.but by the time,
theyy ran to the canteen.
denn doris realised that she was alone chasing him.
started to stop..
denn maths supp.
hahas. valam.
was actingg really crazy-funny. (:
okiees. thats all!
:)) smart! ~ xinyii.
'sryy but we have to do this.
the 50% discount is already
too good for you.
internal. external.
the revenge will still be on.
Sunday, August 24 || 6:23 PM
:)) studyy dayy.
went with my bigg
she is still having her prelims.
denn when i finish my compo.
im like so tiredd. xD
so we went to the shops
buyyin some thingss.
denn i chose wj's andd teachers'
~ yayys.
denn when going back that time.
we were taking the escalator
down from level 2 to 1.
there was this couple behind us.
the man is holding the bagg for the girl.
denn my sis was like going ~ so sweet.
denn i gave that face. ~ so gay.
well, its so awkwardd.
its not like girls. theyy
have no hands right??
andd my mummie has just
foundd some of myy secret
departments where i put all
my little stupidd secrets.
well, so she shoutedd at me.
ahh. im like loved-sister now.
kept rebelling my mummie.
andd doris called.
so mummie shouted on the phone.
denn when i pick up.
doris was like so scared.
ahh. influenced.
im like my secondd sister!~
ahh. nvm. okayys.
ysterious guy & mysterious guy.
are soo stupidd annd lamee..
u mean there is gonna be
a 'sterious' guy huhs?
playyin bingo izzit?
:)) smart! ~ xinyii.
'cant think of anyy revenges!
|| 11:17 AM
:)) slight fever had recovered.
just now in the morning was
38 degrees. now its 37.
yayys. :))
this morning cant slp.
darn fever.
denn went online.
chatted with doris
andd kuanyung.
at the same time,
watching doraemon
denn checked
by kuanyung's fren
that the mysterious guy
is isabel.
denn asked isabel.
well, she doesnt even
noe my blog!~
its alwayys im the
one who tell her my blogg.
mysterious guy.
are you tryyin to be funny?
cos i dun find it amusing.
not even abit.
andd spammer is so out of here.
make that right.
later gonna do all my homework le.
maths noteworthy.
english composition.
:) sounds vehh little.
enough of this.
recoveringg post it is.
andd tuesdayy we
are gonna take our english paper
back. yesh! :))
:)) smart! ~ xinyii.
'guys who act secretive.
are GAYS.
Saturday, August 23 || 7:13 PM
HAVE ALOT TO SAY FOR TODAY.:)) todayy realli had LOTS of fun!
denn i wokee up at 7.30am.
denn mummie took my sister
andd i to school on a
taxi as it was raining heavilyy.
denn met
doris.. so we went to school together. :)
lc chinese.
quite easyy lahhs.
the funny part.
loser is showing off her leggs. LOLSS!
i was like laughing like crazyy women over it.
:D denn ruth andd i started a stupidd 'fight' :D
hahas!~ :DD
while the others chatting with cindyy.
argg. cindyy.
u betrayer! ><
sayying lisen is her hero.
denn when she sayy that 'sit up,
push in your chair' all those.
i dunno whyy but i just did
wad she said. xD
andd harrick
was looking so stupidd doing
that prayingg sign. xDD
denn after school.
went doris's
ahh!~ how i wish i can live in there ><
denn we
went to er.. wad did we do? godd.
ohyea!~ ransacking doris's room!
LOLS!! realli wanna
laugh like siaoo.
when its the snatching part.
:) we were frantically
searching for the notebook that she
was hiding away from us.!! denn
we found it. it was the old
report book. that our school
used before.
denn her mother was like
kept asking us to keep quiet
as her brother was having
his tuition. xD
we didnt listen lahhs.
denn we went crazyy again.
andd the report book has
lots of letterss.
andd she at last, took it. D:
but we alr read one of them.
denn RAIN again.
but we were soo boredd.
so we went
down. got drenched.
but it was veryy fun! ><>
we went to the tennis court andd took the
make the court dryy de
tingyy. andd went rollingg.
with it. as she was
wearing the no friction slippers
denn she cant stop herself!! ~ LOLS!!
xDD denn
we started to playy it barefooted. coss
we cant stand it.
. at last.
splashing the water to each other. ><
so wj andd i were like wth.
cos we dun hav clothes
to change. D:
denn afterthat went to the er..
washrrom andd went to dry ourselves with
the dryerr tingyy.
denn wj andd i slipped at
the door there. )):
and between the doors there. denn
i was like between the doors there.
gonna slip
denn afterthat i hurry go hold on to the knob of the
sauna room. ><>
tryyin to catch the ball. at last. it works :D
yayys. denn went upp.
playyed on the computer..
wj went to her msn account. andd we started
talking to er..
xuanli andd kuanyung.
the conversation
with xuanli was realli.. realli.
wanna laugh like siao.
which we did. ><
denn theyy kept sayyin
about the badd points of doris.
woahhs. kuanyung.
your list. is.. realli .. MEAN.
denn doris at the side..
kept comfortingg herself.
denn afterthat.
we wanted to meet up with
xuanli. to go nyjc to playy.
denn suddenly. RAIN!
wad the heck!
it goes.
andd stopped.
andd goes aagin.. D:
so he said that he will go.
denn we went to the nyjc..
denn on the wayy.
we were strollingg..
chatting aboutt this yearr.
D: last yearr le.
denn still sayy about holding parties.
blah blah blah..
just realised that we were
so imaginative.
den reached liao.
kept prayyin that i wont see my sister.
if she sees me, she is soo gonna demand me
to go straight home! ><>
:)) smart! ~ xinyii.
'darn weather it is. D:
Friday, August 22 || 8:32 PM
:)) COOL.
didnt know 6b is
so coincidence. :)
until when marcus
started to ask me
wad time am i going
to school tmr.
denn i said that
im meeting up with the
other girls.
denn he said tt he oso.
but its diff location lahhs.
if not. there is gonna be
a flirting fight. LOL.
>< <<<>
no offence. but i have to
be straight forward to you.
your clues are realli nothingg.
andd its realli NOTHING.
blehhs. ohyea.
during the paper 2.
when everyone is like
dozingg off.
i was peeling off my plaster.
i was like grossed by it.
almost pukee.
wanna see wangyuegu ^^
ahh. she's so cute.
but she lost =.=''
my crazyy sister
is siao!~
over the olympics!
she was like going
'go leejiawei!~ jiayous!~'
denn the other block.
oso shout. LOL.
so is this like a cheering battle?
but leejiawei lost.
i knew it :D
andd the rival is the one i like
in china.
so i was like.. er...
didnt cheer for either of them.
ahh. good.
i didnt betrayy my own country.
|| 1:59 PM
:)) higher chi. paper 1 andd 2.
its kindaa easyy for the compre oe.
but multiple choices. er...
4 questions dunno?
maths andd science marks. ><
maths. improved byy 4 marks.
but its above my expectations.
tts the good thing :D
well, congrats on doris.
gettin .. marks.
improved by 20 marks.
andd cheer upss for wenjing.
denn science. yayys.
both of us beat doris in section b.
went to that 1I classroom.
denn did the compo.
the mingti. is about wads your cca.
wenjing wrote that.
denn i wrote the other one.
the situational.
its about the weather veh hot.
denn you board the bus to
the libraryy.
denn in the bus,
u suddenly heard a scream.
~once again,
my stories will never be realistic.
i wrote like the one
in the english version.
whereby there is this
pregnant ladyy. ><
paper 2.
zhangchong was like
talking to us.
during exams even.
den she go face us. denn.
denn the other boyys were like
seeingg who is it. xD
denn she sayy that the teacher
act cute somemore. LOLS!!
its the teacher who has
curlyy hairr andd bespectacled.
who came after the 6a teacher left.
so we finished it within 1 hour.
denn the teacher kept asking us
to check..
but none of us did. LOL.
denn go back class that time,
6a dave is sitting at my place.
denn we started chatting andd
laughing. xDD
compo.. D:
ahh. i hate compo. ><
denn we wentt home after
shifting our tables.
doris win me 1/2 marks.
> realli hope that science section b
can add points. :)
yeah. andd loser is such a LIAR.
she dared not to sayy
that she failed her maths!
andd she lied to waiyheng
that she got like wad. 69 marks?!
kidding me lahhs.
andd science. she won me andd wj.
like 1/2 marks?!
to keep count.
once again.
~ you idiot monster. 3 steps done.
30 more to go.
blehhs. andd finally.
prelims are overr.
andd tmrr there's lc.
andd i HATE chinese lc.
denn morning meet up with
the same girls den go school.
this post is realli longg.
i just realisedd.
but i just keep pressing 'enter'
:)) smart! ~ xinyii.
'prelim is finally OVER.
Thursday, August 21 || 9:16 PM
:)) currently time check.9.15pm.
andd im still not readyy
for tmr.
andd while i was revising my
the pagee cut until my thumb.
andd its realli deep.
yepps. andd thanks to ruth's
treatment. LOL.
denn my blood which had
flowed through more than 3 sheets
of tissue. STOPPED.
but it keep tremblingg.
:D so i still can write.
:D ahh. left handers are just so good.
xD currently listening to the songg.
the man who cant be moved.
:D seriouslyy seriouslyy LOVE IT.
i shall stop here.
my thumb is trembling more.
:)) smart! ~ xinyii.
'i've always loved you since then and now.
|| 1:48 PM
:)) prelim science it is.
lc dry-run.
did quite badlyy for mcq andd
did quite good in section b.
blehhs. ><
anw, tmr higher chinese.
paper 1 andd 2.
mrboo saidd that the zuowen
haizz... that one of us wrote the
ming ti. *whew*
out of point. highest only can get 8/40.
denn rickson was like veh panic.
den we did the worksheet tingyy.
denn got listening compre dry-run!~
ahh. i lurve dry-run. :D
can talk all you can. ><
denn in both subjects.
wj is with us. finally.
yepps. so we teased teased chatted chatted.
wjwas sayyin 'tengkuanyung flirting again.'
denn we started to counsel doris.
HAHA. ><
denn got the gymnast for the p1 and p2
at the corner there.
denn when we go back the place den marcus andd
andreww behind us.
so its like tease tease againn.
andd its superr funny when he
teased wj. LOL.
no offence. ><
yepps. andd laughed at
some of the gymnast.
as theyy were doing the handstand.
denn went back class D:
its not science.
ms chew claims that:
mr goh dun wanna see our face.
hahas. denn we started to do
the listeningg. 2005 yesterday's
andd the diary entry by mark its funny. :)
esp the ps. part. :))
den the class was like talkingg laughing. er..
hahas! white spider on tzehin's hands. ><
denn blah blah~
going home that time,
xianli andd i andd evangeline started
talking about .... who attempting to cheat.
in science exam. =.=''
you andd wenjing should sayy. ><
its unfairr.. D:
okayys. fine.
denn afterthat xianli went to buyy
like alot of food as usual?
andd the excuse is alwayys
'im hungryy' lols?
denn we went to buyy bubble tea.
den went home lahhs.
haiyoo. i hate higher chinese paper.
mrboo said that its vehh hard.
is he tryyin to pressurise us? or wadd?
xD okayys.
andd tmr we have to go to that.
mini table andd chairr. ><
godd. i hate it lahhs.
it makes you feel like your world
is onlyy like quarter of the classroom?!
denn we will be missing
on knowing our maths results tmr as
we have paper 1 in morning
denn after recess paper 2.
gotta go!~
officially. THE END.
thats all. :)
:)) smart! ~ xinyii.
'i just lurve pressing 'enters'
in post. bear with me. yeah.
Wednesday, August 20 || 1:26 PM
:)) prelim chinese paper 1 andd 2.
paper 1. ):
for the first time,
i didnt finished in in time.
for the first time,
i wrote 4 andd half long.
for the first time,
i left so many blanks.
for the first time,
i used 4-5 cheng yu.
how badd can it be??
starss flyyin awayy??
andd i actually
can have 2 pages of some blanks.
but mrs tan went to ask harrick to go
andd take papers from 6a.
wth?! ~ its like 4 more minutes left?!
denn i wrote the blanks for the
first page.
den when harrick came bac
with the paper,
she took it.
i raised myy handss.
at last, she went to give
the paper who are at the back.
so i like stunned. er..
wait. why did i stun in the first place??!!
den she gave to me.
2 minutes left?!
how is it possible to finish it?!
so i was like finished the last paragraph.
1 more min. =.=''
so i typpee the hanyu pinyin wadever
on the electronic dictionaryy.
annd onlyy one word. WOW.
&& i hate my electronic dictionaryy.
i nida use all myy strength just to press one keyy. !!
seriouslyy. this compo of mine will
really suck.
paper 2. :)
the multiple choice compre. like wth!~
at the veryy last minute den i
realised myy 2 marks question is wrong.
andd i cant write anymore. D:
2 markss!~ 2 marks has just said 'bye bye!~'
>< ><>
arg. nvm. ><
den multiple choices the first question i went to put 3.
den i went to double check. izzit 4?
yeah. so my brain was like against 3 or 4.
denn i was like talking to myself. for no reason!
tts the worst thing.
not TALKING to myself.
its exams.
but my mouth was like moving
with no sound?
denn afterthat i wrote 3.
andd afterthat when going home.
wj asked me.
andd she oso put 3. ^^
so does it mean that i got it correct? ><
tmr is my lousyy science darn. JYJY ppl!~ ^^ byess.
:)) smart! ~ xinyii.
'keep count: you monster. two steps aren't enough.
Tuesday, August 19 || 8:37 PM
:)) lurve the man who cant be moved. by SCRIPTS.
:D playlist.com doesnt have this song. ><
realli like the chorus. ^^
:)) smart! ~ xinyii.
'cause if one day you wake up
and find that you're missing me
and your heart starts to wonder
where on this earth i could be.
|| 2:50 PM
:)) maths prelim paper it is.
mcq. i've got one question tt i anyhow guess.
and at last, i got it right :DD
so got full marks. yayys.
section b. er.. one question dunno. 2 marks gone.
section c. 6 question did but didnt get the answer ><
tts like max. 30 marks?!!
so now i onlyy hope that got method marks :)
erms. okayys.
denn english lesson. i spelled revered correct. yayys?
denn went home seeing this little malayy boy.
so is this whyy most malay ppl run veh fast?
den when the traffic light turned green man
den he started jumping on the rough road.
andd his mother by the side, dunno wad to do.
yayys. tmr chinese le.
JYJY for zuowen andd paper 2. ><
i hatee zuowen lahhs.
andd tmr jus nida bring like wad?
nothing? O.O yeah.
andd todayy's loser is luckyy.
she did not sign her listening compre acknowledge form.
den she told me tt she gonna go forge. ?!
i was like wanting to tell ms chew if she ask the four ppl go collect. xD
andd this is onlyy 10% of myy evilness?
wanna get starsss if possible cos got oral andd my lousy lc.
andd for those who tot that my msn personal msg,
JYJY! ~ it does not refers to jian yiee.
why would the hell would i write his name anw?!
JYJY! ~ jiayous jiayous. :))
:)) smart! ~ xinyii.
'should i sayy smart. other than dumb? ><
not in the moooddd...
Monday, August 18 || 7:23 PM
<<<<< dunno wads this darn thing doing here.
so i write my post lidat.LOL.
todayy. paper 1.
darn! i wrote the date at the wrong position.
i wrote Dear Journal,
den spac-ing at the end. 18 August 2008.
argg. anw, den i chose the situation.
i tink i write until veh horrible.
cos i write until kidnapp. its like so not realistic.
anw, paper 2.
my mcq sucks.
andd section b is much much more easier.
tmr maths paper. andd i was like taking a napp just now?!
im sure to fail it.
but still, i just now got revise lahhs.
so realli hope it wont be too hard.
andd if i cant improve by five to ten marks,
andd its realli DOOMED.
gonna continue le!!~
:)) dumb! ~ xinyii.
'check yes juliet!
|| 2:01 PM
:)) short post.
gotta go revising veh soon ><
todayy's english. grats. paper 2.
well, mcq is much more harder than the section b!!
~but still, i tink i flung it.
anw, its over!~
anw. tmr maths le.. JYJY all!!
well, i was like veh boredd so i went to my sis's blogg.
so its about this weight lifting olympics tingy. veh sadd. andd scaryy. D:
andd i tink its quite longg ago de. but its still in the beijing olympics 2008.
okieess. BYESS.
:)) dumb! ~ xinyii.'prelim mathss. jiayouss jiayouss. :))
Sunday, August 17 || 8:50 PM
:)) currently watching the table tennis olympics. :D
jiayous singapore!~ thats all i could sayy lahhs.
cause i was doingg my darn maths revision D:
until theree's this part where izzit beibei jingjing yingying lahhs.
the mascot is dancing. so cutee!! :))
andd of cus, theyy showed the expressions of the three olympics players.
wangyuegu was like . :) wanna laugh cannot laugh cos she see lijiawei nvr laugh. LOL.
den lee jia wei. giving tt. .... look. which made me laugh >< denn tt feng tian wei. oso have the same look as wangyuegu.
watching the doubles noww lahhs.
:D jyjy singapore!
~ darn. darn china win whenever i look at it. LOL.
okayys. i should stop looking at it.
~ okiees.
JYJY for tomorrow's prelim english papers!! :DD
china won singapore >< darn u china! 11 - 8 liao.
bombbb you china!
:)) dumb! ~ xinyii.GO GO SINGAPORE, GO GO ENGLISH PAPERS!!~ :D jiayous 6b :))
Saturday, August 16 || 4:16 PM
:)) stressful working day it is.
early in the morning woke upp as i cant slp well. ><
so i decided to do my homework lahhs.
andd its the first time im feeling the urge to do it. LOL.
english compo.english psle booklet.noteworthy.english paper. science workbook.science psle booklet.
i did it all!~ yayyss! :))
andd its realli yayys!! :DD
but nida do revision ><
darn prelim papers!!
yepps. so later gonna go out wif my sister :DD to studyyy
cos my mummie will be nagging veryy soon. LOL.
haizz. stupidd prelim! ~ revise revise revise.
i dun even tink my brain can remember. LOL.
theyy will just go to the 'recycle bin' LOL.
yeah. okayys.
im like veh veh veh tiredd now?
later still nida revisee! damn.
andd if i nvr improve my aggregate marks from sa1.
im so gonna be banging my head against the wall. i will? =.=''
okayys. haizz. congrats to the table tennis :D
well, i myself like sun bei bei but i didnt watch her match.or izzit havent her turn? LOL.
i kept seeing the li jiawei. andd the doubles with tt wang yue gu if im not wrong.
yepps. the doubles is the nicest lahhs. :))
andd sangdon has gone so so so evil. + mean.
he wanted to spread tt i like tzehin =.='' through email.
tts the worst thing. darn him!! he's like marcus alim!!
im fed up lahhs. darn him. to him:
since you want to send, let it be. you think i care?scramm off.okayys. tts all! ^^
:)) dumb! ~ xinyii.'nam sang don. SCRAMM OFF ANDD SHUT IT.wow, so now he's tryin to make an email called xinyilovetzehin@hotmail.com which he did.andd kept adding ppl. well, i dun give a damn!
Friday, August 15 || 12:51 PM
:)) psle english oral.
i did vehh vehh well. i tink?
the reading is about the holidayys highlights thingyy. mrs rama tingyy.
well, i didnt sayy too fast or slow, nor skipping anyy words. :))
picture. is about a bunch of students are having their camping trip outdoors.
well, i apologised 2 times!
~ just becos i myself dun wanna get anyy wrongg for my tenses.
so i was like 'they is. sry. were. are!'
den the testers kept smiling at me.. :DD
den conversation.
first time of myy whole 5 andd a half year.
i onlyy need the first prompt which is the wad is ur cca?
andd i started talking alot! andd its realli, ALOT.
until theyy veh interested xDD of cus, i made it veh exaggerate. :))
i said that myy cca is brownies. well, its like wad to sayy for chinese dance xDD
so i started sayying that. recently, i went to the chief comm badge camp.
LOL. white lie >> its quite long ago!
andd i said the activites.
andd i was like sayyin that andd we named ourselves as starfire camp group as it is the superrwomenn in the teen titans. it is?
den the tester was like laughing. :)) cool.
denn i kept on sayyin.
until doris had to sit outside the classroom. LOL. COOL!
den i flipped the paper andd carried the chair den slot it in.
no sound lehhs! ><
hahas!~ vehh happyy. :DD
chinese andd english did quite well. ^^
well, do not misunderstood. but thanks marcus alim for telling me some 'tips' yesterdayy. :D didnt lose face for 6b lehhs! xDD tts the deal. if he tell me. i mus not lose face. LOL.
well, the picture is not the same, but still, the phrases i used ~ yayys. :))
ohyea, yesterdayy night.
i was like screaming in pain in the room.
so myy mother brought me to the doctor.
andd realised that i've got food poisoning. NO WONDER!
denn went home. with my face veh palee.
but still, ate the medicine. andd im all better now! :))
yeahh. den actually yesterdayy doctor sayy i cant go school cos its like veh serious. ><
but still, its psle!~ how the heck do you wan me to skip it?! so yepps. i came to school! yeahh. morning abit pain lahhs.
but aftertt not pain le! :))
okok. i nida go get readyy for supp class later. once again. ><
but after 3.30pm. woahhs. its FINALLY. :DD
okiess. BYESS!!~
:)) dumb! ~ xinyii.scoring well for my papers are my next goals :D
Thursday, August 14 || 4:15 PM
:)) supp class.
wanna laugh likee siaoo :DD
supp class. reached about 1.48pm.
andd the concourse andd the parade square saw the boyys playyingg.
den we went to the canteen. saw 6c O.O
den we started chatting to some of them who are in the second half de..
well, waiyheng is shocked when i said that my conclusion is about air pollution on earth. LOL.
den ms suppiah brought her class up liao. left uss.
den ms chew came.
well, its kinda weird seeing her carrying a handbag ._.
denn we go through some papers.
suddenlyy there is this veh noisyy tingg.
when tze hin talk abt the olympics.
he was like sayyin 'everything is china china. made in china. the medal oso made in china. the ppl oso made in china, etc,etc.' den at this time, there is this noise.
andd its like a machine.
den ms chew look out.. its the sewage cleaning. ~ewww.
den there was this stench.
den tzehin tot that it was the two guyys who were at the rooftop painting.
den aftertt he was like going 'okok. made in germany, france, italyy,etc.' LOL.
denn we wanna continue. but cant. its just too noisyy. and stinkyy.
but we still did continue lahhs.
den halfwayy through, when ms chew asked 'understand anot?'
tzehin was like 'what?!' LOL.!
its like i can even hear her toking den he was like dunno wads happeningg. LOL.
well, his arrogance is realli.. realli veh irritating.
so wad if he got the highest in class? LOL.
yeahh. den going homee.
its the funny partt!!~
well, we nida go arrange the tables again.
tzehin didnt clear his tings underneath his table andd he just push the table to the corner.
andd at last, all his tings dropped into the floor.
den he go clear upp.
at this time, i hurry go push my table to his. andd he's stuck. LOL.
den at last he climb over all the tables den landed on the floor LOL.
okayys. here is the mostt funny. which made everyyone laughed like hell.
going home tt time, the other girls andd i queued at the back. right back of zanrong andd leeyin and evangeline.
halfwayy through the corridor. i dunno wads happening lahhs.
but suddenlyy,
leeyin: i throw it off arhx? (take his handkerchief put near the railinggs.)
zanrong: NOO!! give me back!!
den leeyin went to just 'wee!!' the handkerchief just flew out! LOLSS.
andd its not flew until downstairs. but upstairs.
or u can sayy as the fencing on top. LOL.
den he was like sayyin : NOO!!~ my handkerchief!~
at this time, we burst out into laughter until wanna cryy liaoo.
den while walking laughed laughed laughed.
even the other boyys laughed xD
andd zanrong himself laughed like siao. LOL.
andd dominic said that he like wanna cryy lidat.
so its like was he cryin for his handkerchief or the incident?
den leeyin kept apologising. LOL.
andd somemore the handkerchief is orangee andd doraemon de! LOLSS!!
den aftertt suddenly stopped at the stairs dere. yeah.
den everyy level we went, the boyys and us were like pointing to the handkerchief. xDD
poorr zanrong! xDD
yepps. hahas!
ohyea, who do you judge the marks for one who had done the paper, and one who had not done it? well, wj and i was quite angryy abt her marks lahhs.
andd when we gg home, there was this couple.
they were takingg wedding photos in our school concourse O.O
the bride's gown is totallyy. NICE. andd she's realli prettyy. :DD
so sweeettt. :DD
den seamus said tt loser next time gonna be lidat wif sherard. LOLSS!
i was laughing like siao at her. xDD
den she tried to beat him but too badd. she cant. LOL.
yepps. den went home :))
ohyea, andd heard from doris tt jianyiee told her tt zack skipped supp class at home playyin computer =.='' tts realli stuppidd.
yeah. tts all i guess?
just realli hope tt my psle english oral is better this time!!
COOL. this time's english oral about the robotics competition has colourr. :DD
&& the testers must be veh kindd lahhs!
anw, BYESS!
:)) dumb! ~ xinyii.; just <33>
|| 11:44 AM
:)) psle chinese oral.
this is realli weird.
msn i veh sloww respondd. just becos my 'enter' is spoilt =.=''
andd this is more weird.
the 'enter' work in here.
yayys. chinese!!
chatted with doris on the phone. LOL.
den 7pm den go school.
at last, i was like 'im i even late?'
its like the concourse soo manyy ppl liao.
andd i forgotten to bring my reporting slips.
so i dun even noe wad number is my group!
but i saww doris somekind 'waving' at me. ><
den beside me is yanhui ^^
so she lent me her 'oral handbook' which is quite useful xD
den went up to the ava1.
so yeahh. second one to leave in myy group!~
so the picture is about bus station while the readingg is about the magic box tingyy.
well, i tink my reading rox >< but once again, its too fast.
but the teachers seem to tink that its veh enjoyable. LOL.
haiyoo.well, one of the teacher frown for like 2 sec?
but one time onlyy.. so izzit a good or badd sign?
but i tink i did veh well, andd i said that
got one boyy giving seat to the elderlyy.
andd the boyy seems like the same school as the two boyys who are running towards the bus 56.
den at this time, the teacher said 'OHHH!' so i was like wanna laugh oso cannot xD
yepps. the left one is much more better than the right one!
andd both of them are females lahhs. ^^
no offence. but when jianyiee left den i was like standing at the door there tryin to 'neaten' myself.
theyy were like shakingg heads andd nodding heads. andd doing some hand signs. O.O
ohyea, andd they made us stayed back for 1 hr for NOTHING!
and its seriously, bored.
so doris andd i playyed lahhs.
andd the teacher scolded me when doris tickled me. ~well, wad do you tink wads my expression?
so its like wth.
anw, we playyed again when she go other place lahhs. LOL.
its like who cares?
andd heard that timothyy noes how to fix the rubiks cube.
well, should i sayy 'so wad?' or should i sayy 'woahhhss!!'
den we tortured leeyin's duckie. HAHAS.
denn jianyiee was like playyin with the coins.
making it turningg.
den turn until the teacher's chair there.
den all of us were like speechless.
den she sayy 'thanks alot uhh!'
den he went to take it back.
andd this horrible creature insect suddenlyy appears.
well, so i was like wtf?! andd move here and there.
as that horrible creature is like 'targeting' ppl.
den at first doris and i was like 'eek!'
den harrick 'ahhh!'
den jianyiee.. no expression.
den at last jianyiee smacked it by clapping it!~ EWW~
den he put the dead bodyy on the floor.
okayys. i nida go prepare for later's english supp!~ argg..
tiredd lahhs.
andd yesterdayy i was having this terrible stomachache.
andd i tried to slp but struggled until 4+ am. still veh pain.
well, so i didnt slp lahhs! andd i tossed andd turned toosed andd turned.
until 5++.
i cant stand it. so i just went to bathe lahhs.
den aftertt about 6am i slp at the sofa for like 30 mins?
den woke up andd washed up den had myy breakfast.
andd practise at the same time. den blah blah blah.
den went to school. .
okayys. im seriously tired..
:)) dumb! ~ xinyii.
realli hope 'enter' will recover in msn!~
andd realli hope tt i wont doze off later in class!!!
Wednesday, August 13 || 1:44 PM
:)) more lessons to go..
<33 this song, your call by secondhand serenade which my sis hadd introduced to me when i was doing my revisions last night like siao :))
andd still got a few more. but to me, i dun quite like it lahhs.
the other 'new songs' in my blogg is just my favourite from 987fm :)
... okayys. back to todayy's topic...
more lessons.
ms chew gonna give us two more extra supplementary. D:
i would rather revise my own actuallyy.
good for sherard.
so tomorrow early in the morning. onlyy p6 gonna be in the school ><
so i gonna meet with doris den we go up hall.
yeahh. den im gonna be rottingg at about 7.45am to 9.30am.
but hope that the testers got the energyy to listen to me. andd gimme good good markss :))
hmm.. todayy's maths.
well, i didnt pass upp my tt maths paper.
so she's making quite a fuss about it.
LOL. mrgoh tot that there's onlyy one period den rush until so fast.
blah blah blahh..
spent like 10 mins to read through the chinese spellingg. so its like i cant remember all lahs. DUH.
so i just know how to write the first 10 words okayys liao.
cos the sentence everytime the others will sayy out the answer. LOL.
went through the vocab and punctuation exercise. currently won tzehin one question :)
andd vocab. won him one too. :)
i didnt lose to him. :)
no spelling! LOL.
cos nobody learnt.
mrboo. was like going through the oral tingyy.
den wj andd jiasi was like happilyy chatting loudly.
while trina and i playyed with bluetack. LOL.
andd loser bullyy and rickson was like playyin the stupidd plastic bottle.
so we all were like going. 'hmm' orh' andd nodding our heads. LOL.
den aftertt i go back to my placee den Q&A.
den english again. no assembly. ><
so we continue our chij paper section b.
LOL. so we all were like sayyin. how do you pronounce c-h-i-j?
so we all were like going. 'shig' 'chig' hahas.
den arrange tables tt time.
evangeline andd i were like arranging the chairs den kept 'stuck' cos some chairs are veh 'small'
so we just put it at the side. LOL.
yepps. den we laughed laughed chat chat den go home :D
andd i would rather to sit this arrangement than the exam de. ><
although there's this annoying fattyy. *no offence *
but behind me is realli funn. :D
yeah.. just kinda excited of tomorrow's psle chinese oral!~
realli wanna beat loser!~ ^^
although i dun have the chance to sayy this tomorrow before oral, but still, wenjing, jiayous!~ win her! :))
yeah yeah.. i guess thats all..
just have to use lotsa clips tmr xDD
:)) dumb! ~ xinyii.
'cause i was born to tell you i love you.
Tuesday, August 12 || 4:47 PM
:)) busyy. sick dayy.!
seeingg starss everywhere around me~
dun feel like going to school tomorrow.
badd flu. D:
used 3 full packets of tissue!~ break my record liao!
seriouslyy sick.
wanna faint oso cannot faint. ><
andd on the wayy home..
xianli chatted with me about mark. LOL. *no offence*
she said that amanda said that she realised that mark has brown eyes todayy.
den mark said that his grandmother has blue eyes. LOLS!!
:D o.O
ohyea, gonna do one revision timetable . but its for like sticking there and do nothingg. ><
seriouslyy, who will ever dared to raise his/her hand up!~
i tink thats all.
just realli hope that my flu will recover before psle oral~
yepps. realli tiredd. fainting. D:
:)) dumb! ~ xinyii.
~it's all i could say.
Monday, August 11 || 7:09 PM
:)) olympics.
yeah. woke up early this morning just to watch the badminton :D
ronald susilo didnt win ><
andd he kept make the shuttlecock go OUT!~
yeahh. den halfway is the swimmingg.
taoli didnt got any medals.
she got 5th. D:
so sadd lahhs.
ohyea, andd alot of ppl think that michael phelps will get first andd break the record ritee??
unfortunately, he got 3rd.
the other usa got first. :D
blahs! darn lee wei chongg!
andd yesterday night's basketball.
china vs dunno wadever countryy.
the 'dunnno wadever countryy' is realli realli rough!
they went to make yaoming fell down FLAT on the floor. OUCH!
~ his face turned redd.
andd i've finished all my homeworks. YAYYSS!!
its like FINALLYY.
but still got other two which is 'others'.
which i tink i nidd about 3 half hours to do?
andd i nida do it by 5pm tmr. ><
i guess thats all. BYESS!
:)) dumb! ~ xinyii.
'jiayouss for PSLE && SINGAPORE!~
Sunday, August 10 || 1:08 PM
:)) sneeze sneeze~
nothing to post lahhs.
todayy is a very very stressful dayy and a very 'sneezyy' dayy. ><
early in the morning woke up with lotsa sneezes~phew! at least now its gone ^^
homework dayy. D:
just finished quarter of it and im already dying. LOL.
andd my name is on the 2007 yzps prelim maths paper. LOL.
yepps. so tomorrow is a pri-only holiday!~ yayys!.
grats. i nida continue with it!! .... JYJY. byess.
:)) dumb! ~ xinyii.
Saturday, August 9 || 11:35 PM

|| 11:27 PM
:)) yayys!
just came back from padangg wif xianli andd her brother :D
yeah.. didnt wish to sayy much. veh tiredd!
just tt im like the onlyy one crazyy about the black knights cos theyy all were not so excited! xD
im soo gonna join the army force den air force~! :DD
and when its the exciting part,
my camera went flat =.=''
andd xianli's is spoilt! ><
so i've gotta use my phone's lousy camera.
okayys. enuff of my craps once again.
:)) dumb! ~ xinyii.
Friday, August 8 || 4:16 PM
:)) second post of the dayy.
can tell that im dead bored right?!
yepps. so i was like browsing through some blogs.
something caught my attention!~
superr funny! i was laughing like siao.
it sayys :
Good morning/afternoon/evening and this is your captain speaking.
You are now flying on Kazoom Airlines. Please keep yourself strapped in properlyduring take-off. If you do not know how to strap yourself in properly, do not hesitate to ask our friendly stewards/stewardess. If you cannot find your seat, our stewards/stewardess will find a way to squeeze you into the luggage compartment. If you do not like your view, please click the big red button at the top right hand corner and our steward/stewardess will place you on the top of the plane for a speculator view! Unfortunately, our television is not working. But for movie buffs on board, we will fly as close as possible to Lalala Airlines, so you can watch their movie from the right window. If our engine is too noisy, you can approach to me or my co-pilot and we will make arrangements to turn off the engines to give you the best flight experience possible. Thank you, and this is your captain, signing off.
:)) dumb! ~ xinyii.
|| 4:01 PM
:)) national dayy's eve!
happyy birthdayy to singapore :DD
anw, todayy had realli great fun! :))
morning i was like late by 3 min? when im supposed to meet all the brownies at 7am lahhs. wadever.
den we are arranged in rowws. den went up :D
aftertt doing that three-fingers-sign for the pledge andd wadever.
vivien, naruphon, linshan, mingeng, kah hui. went crazyy togetherr when we are doing the national songgss. laughing our head off! :DD
den naruphon andd i chatted :DD
den we went back to class!~ er...
we did the worksheet tingyy while the reporters went around interviewinng.
den the presentation. o.O im kinda bored with it!
den while we were doing the worksheetss tzehin, evan, lisen andd me chatted andd laughed!
so its like im supposed to make lisen laugh. O.O
so i was like kept telling tzehin to sayy his 'fat-mama's jokes. LOL. he did.
andd its realli hilarious! even evan sherman yuheng and i laughed. andd of cus tzehin.
andd some jokes he just sayy it out aloud without any tinkingg. andd its veh funny. xD
den ms chew discussed with us about the olympics tingyy.
andd damn funnyy!~ :DD
andd tzehin insulted brownies! ><>
yeah yeah. den aftertt went doris's house :D
yayys. so we were like watchin kungfu panda. well, i've watched it.
so its like veh boredd.
so we went down to playy basketball. :))
andd saw some 6a boys and isabel andd germaine! :D andd her sister. ^^
so we started to playy lahhs.
den aftertt the other boyys go liao. isabel andd germaine andd her sister playedd match!~ :D
blah blah blah..
den aftertt when theyy go liao, left us.
but at this time, another group of 6a boyss come!
so germaine andd isabel decided to stayy.
andd this time is xuanli deon chuansheng jinkai they all. andd they just jump over the concrete!~ crazyy..!
den to take revenge for '...', he went to make doris's head.
its like OUCH! this revenge is too awful! ><
den yeahh.
blah blah.
den doris's brother come. to ask for the ball. andd we went up to have our lunchh.
andd when we wanna go up, (the one who snatches my place in chinese lesson andd annoyys me annd made me sick, likes to act, showoff andd likes to bully ppl andd thinks that he does not have any fault ) went down. LOL. this is veh obvious. xDD
ha! so izzit to seek attention or wad?!
andd he went to bully '..'!! so evil!!
den aftertt went down but doris's brother wants the ball so we no choice lahhs.
at last when we went down, found that theyy were gone. so its like no basketball?!
den we went to the playgroundd. well, apparently theyy were there swimming?!
andd its veh eww. three boyys were like onlyy wearing pe shorts?!
denn we playyed there den we went to sit down at the chairs andd table beside the swimming pool. er.. laughing at the boyys? for like 'gao-ing' LOL.
andd '..' got six packs from wj. LOLSS!
andd chattedd.
sounds like naruphon realli hates '...' D:
andd the p5 students were all there too. theyy were playyin this treasure hunt game andd wadever.. blah blah blah!~
well, can tell that todayy alot of yangzhengnites went to springbloom. :))
andd wenjing's sister is soo cutee!~ :)) although i kept calling her the wrong name!~ i kept calling her kerxin when its kerhui. LOL. ><
den borrowed the basketball from them.
erms. its kinda dirty actually. xDD *no offence* cos theyy were hugging it in the water.
so doris went to wash it. o.o den we went to playy :D
yeahh. den when we wanna go upp liao. cos we nidaa go le.
so we wanted to go to the swimming pool to return them.
in the end, theyy camee. so we passed to them den we went upp.
den they went to playy basketball lahs. den we went home :((
so i decided to do myy chinese zuowen andd english workbook later :DD
haizz. den go home tt time. sent some songss to xianli. blah blah.
im like dead boredd now?
dun feel like doing anything as usual.
read this!~ it is a legend in china if im not wrong!~.
reason of the heavyy rain last night.
curious rite?? erms. my sister's teacher told her this andd she told me. :))
in a veryy veryy longg ago, there was this angel which is in love with this shepherd.
and the angel loved to knit.
andd the thing was that the angel has the baby of the shepherd!
when the godmother knew about this, she wanted them to break up.
but they did not want. like duhh.
so the angel has no choice but to follow her godmother back to 'up there'
so they were veryy veryy sadd. terribly sadd. D:
so on every year of this day, there will be storms and thunder as this is the day when the shepherd and the angel meet with each other. so the angel was very very touched. so it caused so this is how the storm is caused.
but the most incredible thing is, on this night, put a needle onto the surface of a bowl of water.
the shadow that you will see, is a pair of scissors. :DD
well, my sister realli wanna noe izzzit true anot so we went to try on it. :D
so my sister eventually gave up. but i still wanna try.
until all my fingers went all soaked cos the needle will sink so i nida balance it.
its veh veh nice!~ i saw it!
well, my sister still doesnt seems to believe me.
so i took the photo of it.
gonna post it once she put into the com lahhs.
i took lots lahhs. cos i veh curious mahhs.
so i've chosen the most alike photo :D
so must remember this date. 7.08.08! :))
:)) dumb!~ xinyii!
'should i even trust you?