“If You ever come back”
June 2008
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February 2011
Sunday, November 30 || 11:11 PM
:)) no mood.
so yeah, recently went to my
loved-cousin's house to play like siao!
not that darn cousin who made me unable
to go watch movies that time.
duh.so yeah, blah blah blah and im damn tired.
denn er, yeah.
ahh, i no mood to post le lahh.
kay, byes.
:)) speechless.
Saturday, November 22 || 2:22 PM
:)) brownies farewell party. :DD
ahh, reached there quite late.
at last, xianli take rocket reach there.
denn eat eat eat denn all of a sudden
all the sec 1s came.
alicia! eunice!
so yeah, denn erms, played captain's ball until
my feet the skin peel liao. ><
but yeah, now still pain. =.=''
gahh, anw, denn after that go for some tweenies
finally enrolled become brownies denn all of us needa witness.
denn whoever is the sixer of imps, NEVER COME.
denn sprites got xianli and me denn i sway sway go imps
lead the tweenies to er, ms siti there lah.
denn yeah, ms suhaila told all of us that she's gonna transfer to
edgefield, again.
denn she cried. ><
so yeah, xianli and i decided to go edgefield to see her on teachersday. :]
and ms suhaila agreed. yayys! :DDD
denn erms, after party went to throw rubbish all those denn dunno should go zhonghua
open house anot. so asked xuanli they all over there anot.
at last, xuanli and chuansheng there but wenjing didnt go. sianz.
so yeah, denn both of them came to yangzheng denn together play bkb lorhx.
denn all of us sat at the concourse there started to decay.
seeing yzps the last time.
denn ms cindy lim came.
denn all of us started to chat with her and all. :D
denn mrs jacinta lim or izzit jacintha lim? aiyah, she came.
denn asked us and oso chatted with us too.
and she said northvista not bad.
ohwell, yayy?
denn er, joyce and naruphon were there with us too. :]]
denn erms, at about 2? left school to head home.
denn yeah, i've got no mood and well,
its the last time i'll see chuansheng i think?
ohwell, but will meet the others on er, this coming friday?
yayys! :]
gahh, still, byes!
:)) the whole world left you two.wahahahhahahahahahahahas. XDD
Friday, November 21 || 9:20 AM

-SEAMUS! on that hilarious small bicycle. XDD

-Jinkai. Deon. Xuanli. :DD

-hunched back. XD naruphon! :D

germaine. denyse. chuansheng! :]]

germaine and denyse! :D

LOLS. chuansheng! :]

xianli! :DD

denyse me germaine! :DDD

denyse and germaine! :D

the whole brownies p6 cohord! :DD

xianli and me! -before assembling in the hall-

wenjing and me!! -before assembling in the hall-
|| 8:14 AM
Students of different racesStudents with different facesYet they share one similarityThey're tied together; friends in unityThanks so much for the funny momentsFor when I'm lonely, they're wonderful ailmentsNever will I forget these memoriesPrecious times; precious goodiesThis class shall be united foreverIn the same boat; having fun togetherNow it's time to go different waysTime to spend our last few daysLaughing at the funny jokesRecoiling from the harmless pokesIt's so hard to say goodbyeLet's just imagine it's a time to flyPromise me you'll stay in my heart,It's so sad when we're apartWho will give those funny jokes?Who will lighten our mopes?Who can make the teacher laugh?The teacher who is known to be rough?Who can make field trips so fun?Who can reduce our boredom to none?Who will make learning bearable?My new class?No, that's horrible!I am going to miss you guysSo let's all say,our final goodbyes.; adapted. and found by ms suhaila. :]ahh, no mood to post. :)) i dun wanna leave you.I DUN WAN!I DUN WAN!I DUN WAN!
Wednesday, November 19 || 10:48 PM
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO DORIS!eeks, i cant sleep now lah. O.Oso yeah, started to post about the party today. :]]
and tmr's psle results! SHITTY SHIT!
so yeah, and poor isabel is having a damn high fever cos
today we played in the rain! ahh!
and er, 1h 10min.
to my big sister's birthday.
and tot of it, i havent bought a present for her!
so yeah, tmr my mummy and my big sis will
be pei-ing me to go take my lousy results! ><
and also, my big sis will always take this advantage to go and
see her some ex-teachers. eeks.
denn the teachers will be going 'AH!! so xinyi is your sister arhx!'
so yeah, gonna be repeating the whole senerio again.
gahh, anw, yeah. now im like discussing blah blah blah
some schools which im gonna go.
which is like ohsohigh! =.=''
i hate this!!
ahh, today. party!
woke up damn early cos er, im damn hyper. XD
denn er, went online and play facebook and all.
denn er, went to bathe and all denn went to doris's house.
and i 11am ON THE DOT reached there. :DD
so yeah, blah blah blah.
denn went to erms, germaine's house to get FREE WATER SUPPLY.
XDD denn after that all of us went to fetch denyse. :DD
denn erms, ehh, we pushed each other into the pool like some crazy
violence girls. XDD
but so unfortunate, im the first. =.=''
yeah, so all drenched denn met naruphon! :D
so yeah, everyone went hugging her SOAKED. XDD
and that damn guard scolded us 2 or izzit 3 times! stupid!
denn erms, after that went back.
denn ate fried rice and chicken wings for lunch.
denn suddenly saw chuansheng and marcus boh outside doris's house.
denn yeah, both came and they started watching alvin and the chipmunks.
err, denn some of us doesnt even have interest on it so erms,
went to carry all the water guns and goodie bags down.
denn er, called some of the boys at last. they went to the adult pool and er,
took the water guns and played with it! wth! O.O
so yeah, denn started to play like siao. ><
denn erms, afterthat DRENCHED.
went to function room outside.
denn SAME guard came and scolded for umpteen times.
denn make birthday girl got tears.
stupid stupid stupid guard!
denn kevin was like cursing that guard. XDD
denn erms, RAIN!! :DD
so yeah, i was practically SHIVERING lah.
but kept jumping here and there. XD
denn yeah, i slipped and fell.
denn er, my wrist there veh pain.
denn i was like twisting here and there. okay le. :DD
XDD denn continued playing like siao.
denn ehh, aiyah same old things same old things blah blah blah! ><
eeks, really got no mood and dun feel like going to school tmr.
sianz! brownies in the morning. psle results in the afternoon.
so yeah, come early at 11.30am people! ><
cos er, alot of people gonna come at that time to take photos. yayys!
just right after brownies. :DD
and er, if you get veh high, good for you.
if you get veh low, ehh,LIFE GOES ON. (adapted.)
sianz, so yeah, lucks people! :D
:)) i will never wanna say those 3 words!GET WELL SOON ISABEL!
Monday, November 17 || 3:30 PM
whole day occupied with decoration
and photos for doris's present! :)
and veh soon im gonna change blogskin
kay, byes!
:)) decode.
Sunday, November 16 || 9:05 PM
Saturday, November 15 || 12:54 PM
:)) p1 orientation day.
cut short.
i was DAMN SWAY.
had to pair up with jinheng shawn. =.=''
took charge of 1E girls.
and met this girl
called isabelle ho zhen fang.
and she was really cutee!
denn yeah, i was damn biased XDD
and her partner, charlotte!
so yeah, among all the girls i only helped those
two girls. XDD cos they were damn funny!
denn yeah, alot of boys like isabelle. XDD
denn got this girl forget called wad!!
was really horrible!!
sitting in front of charlotte somemore!
kept wanting to go to toilet!
two times somemore!
so yeah, i got DAMN ANNOYED by her lah!
denn ms rosa oso dun care about her liao. LOLS.
denn yeah, denn everyone sat on the floor listening the story
of some ice cream thing it is.
denn went to hall after that denn met with the other brownies.
denn helped ms suhaila to put 5a report books to 6a's report book container
in general office.
denn after that waited for vina they all denn went to springbloom
to play bkb.
denn play play play went to mini mart.
denn blah blah blah.
went home.
and yepps i dunnid to so ma fan go post photos le!
my farewell photo scrapbook will say it all under 'farewell photos'
and im really damn addicted to it! :DD
i love making online scrapbooks now! XD
kay, lunchtime! :DD
:)) 19th nov. just treat me like im a boy. XD
Friday, November 14 || 9:43 PM

model pupil and logan house captain!
-will miss his gary sound and er,
the times in 3b.
and thanks to him the whole group of us
got scolded by mr ching.
and his signature ROCKS!
; this photo i look damn retard cos vina went
to tickle me. :)

- will miss how your heck care type :DD
still got alot.
will post the whole of this year.
so yeah, hand veh pain.
and eyes red liao.
|| 9:23 PM





|| 9:08 PM
:)) 200th post.
and im practically crying now. ><
didnt noe that im so weak lah.
shall update lots of photos later.
andd chloe havent send me chinese class photos.
so yeah, have these few first.
happy looking!
and erms, some photos really make people feel sad lah,
so yeah, if it did, really SORRY.
Thursday, November 13 || 8:28 PM
last day of school. ))):
early in the morning.
NOT LATE at all.
but cos needa go cut cloth.
at last, LATE.
so yeah, FIRST time and LAST time being
the latecomer. :D
denn go see ms siti and ms suhaila for brownies.
and sianz, for p1 orientation going to take care of the
1E girls. NOT 1K! shitty shit!
denn went back to class.
denn er, put bag denn go to 6a for all the autographs. :)
denn erms, yepps! :]
denn mrs toh not free so mdm assan take over.
so yeah, :))
denn erms, after that went to 6a again for continuing the
autographs session. :DD
so yeah, the 6a usual boys were taking some photos.
DAMN. didnt noe can bring. =.=''
denn erms, all meet up at basketball to take group photo together
after school.
denn went back.
i just love throwing the whole stack of loser's books to the trash bag! :DD
denn yeah, blah blah blah.
aiyah, just miss lots of people lah.
chinese! :DDDD
chloe lent me her camera and yeah,
started to take lots of photos!
and of cus, 'class' photo with mr boo! :))
terribly nice! :D
yeahh, denn by the time at the last 5 min.
mr boo told us his last words.
yeah, i was practically wanted to cry but
my tears just cannot come out. ><
denn yeah, had lots of fun denn all of a sudden,
ruth ariel yuting sneaked to my class. :DD
so yeah, started taking photos with RUTH!! :DD
denn haiiz.
went back for english.
and erms, went to the hall for some zhonghua thing?
denn i was paired up with <3wenjing. :DD
so yeah, started to make friends with people from
southeast asia.
and the first one has a really nice name!
-ou yang xue! :DD
so yeah, she was trying to er, communicate with us?
but at last, all 3 friends which we made asked the same old things. =.=''
which is, which school do you like to go? ><
yepps! :))
and secondly.
named - andrew.
well, he has a short tongue so yeah,
kinda hard understanding wad he said.
but the THIRD one! :DD
was really really NICE!
and funny! :DD
she was from china.
denn she asked about the favourite teacher
denn she was like 'i noe i shouldnt do this but i need
to talk in chinese!' denn both of us went close to her
denn she told us that IN CHINESE.
that she likes that angmoh guy and
everyone in zhonghua called him some
england wang zi?
andd erms, she kept saying that we're veh thin.
so i was like asking 'how heavy are you?'
denn she thought i was asking some other questions.
denn <3wenjing asked 'how heavy are you?'
denn she still dunno.
so i got veh frustrated denn get close to her
and asked her wads her weight in chinese. :))
so yeah, she's damn funny somemore! :DD
denn erms. went back to class and er,
talked about our 6b stories?
yepps! :]]
and ms chew said that she's gonna invite us to her wedding,
must remember this! XDD
denn went to the basketball court and er, blah blah blah.
denn erms, for the group photo, most of us were like emo-ing?!
shitty shit thing it is.
anw, tmr speech day and im gonna look damn SMALL. =.=''
with my damn small brownie uniform.
yayys! i've grown taller! :))
denn erms, after that went to nyjc to play basketball.
and erms, i asked most of the teachers to sign le. :DD
but mr riduan say on 20 nov. )):
gahh, denn on the way home met my mother so yeah,
needa go with her to shop for groceries with my
damn heavy bag! =.=''
and my leg which is terribly DYING. =.=''
so yeah, now dying liao.
haiiz. will really miss all of you! :)
:)) chubby like siao minq! chubby like siao vina!I'LL MISS EVERYONE!
Wednesday, November 12 || 5:15 PM
:)) quite a fun day i guess. :)
cut short.
english after recess.
our class photo, yayys! :DD
so yeah, skipped chinese class for like 15 mins?
cos needa take signature. :]]
denn erms, strolled to chinese class and er,
mrboo was er, strolling around the class
denn the class went chaos with 6b pupils walking around.
:D so er, yeah.
asked the whole class le.
including shaotze and er, yeong seok and all.
so yeah, haiiz.
tmr last day of school le.
and im horribly depressed now. sianzz.
gahh, anw, after school helped out in the packing weird stuff for home.
so erms, wenjing and i paired up to do the milo de.
denn for the packets both of us laughed like siao cos my hand cant stop
but to write 10 packets when its like 177 packets. XD
so yeah, used quite alot of the liquid. ><
denn erms, finished early and started er, 'chatting' with mrho den.
yepps! :]
denn er, ** went to SHOOT the ball to ms shanthini there.
denn she scold. O.O
so sianzz.
sat at dunno whoever teacher's table and started to mess up his things.
so yeah, sianz.
yepps, denn er, went to gather with the brownies for the rehearsal AGAIN.
but its vehh fast. :DD
yayys! :))
so yeah, denn when we taking our bags, not raining.
reach the gate there, HEAVY RAIN.
gahh, so er, started to wait for the bus with CHUBBY-LIKE-SIAO-MINQ!,
xianli, alison and jennifer. :))
denn yeah, started to talk talk talk talk until bus 58 come. :)
denn erms, alighted. denn er, needa go to another bus stop
so er, while walking continue chatting.
yepps! :]]
sianzz, really miss people now sia.
anw, yepps!
gahh, kay, bye.
:)) facebook!! facebook!! facebook!!-whatever she does, it just have to got to do with you. how irritating can this be?!
Tuesday, November 11 || 8:45 PM
:)) rehearsal for speech day.
science in the morning.
and some of us were er, asked to go science lab for like no reason?
and its SO BORING!
we're there to skip class and help to pack the whole science lab. =.=''
so yeah, denn erms, skipped for like about 3 periods?
yepps! :]
denn er, went upp for maths.
er, forget wad i did liao. XD
anw, denn er, chinese lesson.
mr boo did come but didnt care about us. :D
so erms, he was at the teacher's table doing his homework.
while wenjing me seamus gregory yuheng started to gossip like some
aunties. XDDD
so yeah, laughed like siao cos all of us were acting like zanrong.
-who cares?' ><
denn halfway through needa go see ms suhaila.
yepps! denn continue with the gossipings. :)
andd er, gregory finally knew who is loser le. o.0
denn yeah, cos got two sitting in front.
so we were like 'act cute!'
somemore got big one and small one. XDD
so yeah, english lesson.
well, ms chew never come and er, that relieve teacher was
practically SLEEPING! =.=''
gahh, stupid relieve teacher. so yeah, i changed place again. ><
denn er, ohyea, now we were calling xuanli 'xiao fen'
since his name on one of the stories was that. o.0
anw, yepps.
after school stayed back for rehearsals for speech day.
and it really SUCKS!
so yeah, xianli was jumping with joy cos she doesnt need to go for her
science tuition as she was taking the prize for the whole brownies group.
so yepps! sat between jennifer and alison and all of us were practically
pulling each other's hair and erms, let the p5 brownies write my autograph book
and er, today, xuanli and cs oso got write le.
so yeah, wan write can just ask lah. :]
denn went to library when we're not supposed to. XD
so yeah, wenjing and the rest were there.
denn took the chess set and went to play in the hall with wenjing.
at last, ms chew came to the hall.
fortunately, she didnt came to us. :DD
denn er, since its a brownies award.
we were supposed to go and salute and all.
and yeah.
and im doomed lah.
dun even noe i still have my brownie uniform anot. SHIT SHIT SHIT!
gahh, anw, yepps!
2 moree dayys le. sianz.
kay, denn after speech day rehearsals went to play basketball.
and cs was damn hilarious with some weird jokes.
and er, went to nyjc to play basketball.
denn erms, yeah.
denn after that had some training it is instructed by mr.chong?
denn erms yeah.
while wenjing was doing her five consecutive goals i went to play with junese.
so yepps! denn doris oso came at the same and all.
denn 7pm went home. :)
kay, gahh, byess!
:)) the truth is i accept you. -she hasnt given up.
Monday, November 10 || 7:13 PM
:)) damn happy day i guess. :]
well, the class is left with er, vehh little people lah.
erms, just changed my place andd sat with wenjing the whole day i guess?
kay, forget about the first period though.
kay, talk about yesterday first. :)
went church as usual.
denn during class, doris was new so yeah,
and she was like the only one answering some questions
as everyone was talking amongst themselves while
i was dozing off cos i slept damn late the previous night . =.=''
anw, yepps!
denn er, went to doris's house and did some **
but yeah, the effort is wasted. =.=''
denn after that went to xuanli's house.
erms, playedd xbox and doris is crazy about it. o.0
yeah, denn er, went to the cupboard and everyone was having this
'sauna' and all. :)
yepps! :]
and er, destroying xuanli's blue ribbon it is and his octo?
gahh, anw, denn about 5pm went to nyjc.
and im not gonna go to that damn hole again. =.=''
denn playy playy playy. until about 7pm went home. :)
kay, talk about today.
socialstudies. bored.
art. yayys! :)
mdm assan forget about us so yeah,
no teacher and the class didnt went crazy.
so yeah, started to go out of the class and saw some horrible lightnings.
anw, yeah, denn 9.28am. saw the 6a people go liao denn hurray! can go liao. XD
recess. went to the hall corridor there as usual. :)
denn erms, saw the leadership camp thing.
denn er, went for chinese class!
mr boo didnt come.
so yeah, the guzheng teacher, li lao shi came.
and she was superr nicee! :D
so erms, she let us listen to some songs and the first was
the first song which my blog song is. :DD
and im in love with it. =.=''
so yeah, denn shaotze went to baidu.
denn er, he put two songs
denn yuheng take over him.
so yeah, denn er, he went to er, dedicate
wo zou tian qiao, wo zou di xia dao.
and li lao shi is really veh updated lorhx. XD
so yeah, denn zhangchong and i went crazy denn ms chew came in. ><
so yeah, gave us the form for helping out.
but gonna leave early for stupid rehearsal. haiiz.
anw, yepps! :]
gahh, denn after that maths.
hmm, leeyin taught us chinese chess apparently.
so yeah, at last, 40% absorbed 60% forget liao. ><
so yeah, denn er, started to play with yuheng at last,
is jingkai play with him.
denn yeah, started to play checkers using the chinese chess
cos i dun understand. =.=''
yepps! :]
denn erms, after that play uno spin.
denn by the time, 12.30pm le.
hmm, started to back out when *AHEMM* did *AHEMM*.
so yeah, denn 1pm.
stayed backk and erms, met this really well, fun girl.
called qin rui from 3b. :))
so yeah, started playing badminton with her. :)
denn erms, went to mark's house.
and watched the whole ep le! :DD
although my legs were damn suan. =.=''
and went to hotel626 to play the "HORROR" game it is.
so yeah, the toilet ghost was really hilarious lah. ><
yepps, and er, yeah, blah blah blah.
denn go homeee. :)
gahh, yepps! :]]
ohyea, wyekit : i guess he's a fun and friendly guy since i dunno him well. :)
kay, dinner timee! :DD
:)) 还记得你说家是唯一的城堡 随著稻香河流继续奔跑 微微笑小时候的梦我知道 不要哭让萤火虫带著你逃跑 乡间的歌谣永远的依靠回家吧 回到最初的美好ohpls, mr boo, stop coming to school!-HA! i won!
Saturday, November 8 || 8:32 PM
fourthly, 6d.
cindy: beloved da jie! <33
huiyu: a really kind soul. :]
thankyou so much! :D
jingwen: a really fast runner and fun. :D
jennifer: will miss the time when both of us played pranks on darshini. :D
gahh, and erms, yeah.
ohyea, not to forget, sangdon!
sangdon: will miss his drawing art talent. :D and yeah, hope he'll come back to singapore.
if i missed out you, erms, maybe you're not that close to me. ><
or maybe you are but my stm so serious that i forget about you. XD
kayy, now im not so bored le, dinner time! :D
|| 6:36 PM
:)) changed skin. :]]
last night slept early so er, this morning
woke up at about 10+am.
and watched tv while eating breakfast and er, the ep of
chinese version.so yeah, the show is damn old i guess.
cos the entrepreneurs were er, ex-yangzhengnites.
so yeah, denn went online and started playing facebook.
denn after that went to ikea to have my lunch and er, shopped for some furni.
yepps. andd er, met mrs yeo b.c there. o.0
denn my sister and i were going crazy with christmas things and all. :DD
denn erms, yeah. so bought some christmas decorations and some curtains thing
which my mummy wants to buy.
denn yeah, reached home and started using the com again. :]
and now im trying to clear my inbox which is filled with chain mails. =.=''
so yeah, denn chatted with seamus and he made me thought of missing
the whole p6 level.
haiiz. so yeah, will miss every single one of you. :)
even if you're my enemies or i dunno you at all. XD
so yeah, yepps.
andd farewell bbq is a must. :]
kay, im dead bored now. ><
shall write all about YOU. =.=''
firstly, shall start with 6b. :)
amni. : optimistic. friendly. fun. :)benjamin: pro at not laughing.amanda: has changed to be a better person. waiyheng: negative thoughts.:] xianli: funny and sometimes alittle crazy. :DDzanrong: crazy about french fries person. dominic: friendly and fun.yongjun: pro at copying homeworks and funny.kiahian: had lots of quarrels with him during p4 when i sat with him!jianyiee: funny.:] me. : easily getting injured and getting FLU.:] doris: fun. easily getting injured. sometimes doesnt have own opinions but still, a wonderful friend. :]] and can be a successful housewife.harrick: VERYY helpful. but sometimes have no idea how to keep his mouth shut. ><shuying: lots of negative thoughts.brandon: hilarious. fun.tzehin: horrible experience sitting next to him. but his fat mama jokes were really hilarious. and will miss the times when sherman evan lisen yuheng and me going against him. :Dnigel: have no idea how to threaten him to stop calling me hoho, so started calling him lily.shunhe: funny experience sitting next to him during p5 with the entertainers behind.shit. who's reg 19? damn. guessed its sayhao.sayhao: will miss the hilarious quarrel between him and jiasi. XDlisen: will miss the time when he started boasting that he's handsome and copyinghomeworks and how he manage the 3b boys and his act-scared expression when hecalled me a gangster during p4 and entertaining during p4 and p6. :D shawn: negative thoughts.jingkai: his funny cold jokes during chinese lessons. :)mark: funny. fun. made the 4b'06 blog. :D yuheng: hilarious jokes during chinese lessons. and entertaining shunhe and me during p4.marcus: quarrels most of the time but fun making germaine being a devil. valerie: she just follows wad loser says, haiiz.gregory: one who called me xinyi-er and how he expressed when i say who he likes. aiyah,miss him for wad? gonna still see him in church anw. damn, forget who is reg 28 liao. ><sherman: his hilarious BUAY SONG ARHX? and er, his funny cold jokes and how he and tzehin fights and how he avoid tzehin and the times when he laugh all of a sudden during ms chew's lesson. :D:] wenjing: a really hilarious best friend. will miss the time when playing a match 1 on 1 with her. :DDrickson: negative thoughts.seamus: will miss his hilarious jokes during chinese lessons. and how he said sorry to me SINCERELY.sherard: DAMN. he went to talked to jingwen from PEICHUN on facebook like some adult.yanhui: a really nice and polite girl. will miss the time when she lend everyone her homework during chinese lessons to copy. XDD a wonderful friend! :DDernest: regarded me as his sister. but really pervert in school but in msn a real gentleman who loves doris like siao but unfortunately, doris doesnt likes him. trent: dunno him well. ><valam: will miss the time when he acted like some rockstar and his jokes. :Devangeline: will miss her origami skills and how she taught lisen to fold the aris or wadeverit is spelled. :DDleeyin: sometimes just dunno which side is she siding but was quite funny and fun girl andthe scene when she and doris catfight. XDvictor: erms, nothing much to say but he made my penguin admitted to the ICU!weitheen: will miss how his face turned completely RED when he was drinking some sweet drink. XDDzack: funny guy.kay, you'll find some mistakes inside but er, just correct it your own lah. ><
secondly, class 6a.
denyse: dunno her much but will miss the time during p6 camp.germaine: a really friendly girl. :Disabel: will miss the time when we studied in mac together and stalking shunhe. XDclarissa: how she scared of my snake during p6 camp during one of the nights in the domitory when the lights out. :Dshuenlin: how she get nervous of the crc in p6 camp. :Dalison: a really best friend during p2 and 3!zhenhui: a really best friend during p4. :D will miss the time when we walk to schoolevery morning to school everyday and going home together. :DDtaco: will miss his hilarious jokes and erms, his crazy scream? :Djinkai: he lent us money to buy ice creams for commit suiciding. :Dchuansheng: will miss his hilarious jokes when he and zack sat in front of me and vivien.xuanli: will miss his hilarious jokes and how his pro basketball skills.deon: the kind soul. :D thanks for the magnet!marcusBOH: funny. fun. and one who does not scared of spicy.kay, hope didnt miss out anyone.well, together: will miss the time we watch movies together and when we're drenchin the rain after sports day during p4. :DDthirdly, 6c.
ruth: really a funny best friend in p3 as we had this secret bff club. XDariel: for supporting me when i first learn rollerblading. :DDvivien: will miss how we shut gregory and minyun's mouths up as they were non-stop singing either sesame streets or hi-5 songs!! :Dhakim: hilarious joker. and yeah, logan captain. :Dbenedict: funn good friend. :)trina: a really nice girl. :]wenli linshan: nice nice nice nice brilliant girls. :DD
Friday, November 7 || 7:52 PM
:)) really fun day. :)
so erms, ms chew didnt come and this relieve teacher
is like just sitting on the chair using his handphone.
and dun even care about us, YAYYS! XD
so yeah, we went to admire the basketball court. ><
andd even packed our things in the locker. :D
yepps, and while we're playing,
there was horrible monsterS beside us trying to tear down
the whole building. =.=''
so yeah, threw away my art folio and some other papers.
denn erms, yeah.
and todayy there was nanchiau talk. :DD
well, wasnt even concentrating cos xianli and i were chatting away.
and er, yeah.
denn aiyah, cut short.
after school. stayed back for brownies.
blah blah blah.
during brownies in ava room.
sat with erms, vivien joyce zhenhui alison and xianli lah.
denn vivien and joyce went to the board there to write down about
the camp all those.
denn left with four of us denn erms,
xianli and i did our health ed homework that stupid crossword puzzle thing.
denn erms, i was copying wad i wrote on the paper.
at last, my damn bottle leaked and erm, the paper is half wet.
so its kinda soft denn alison and zhenhui started to tear it.
and thats when the paper war started. :DD
so yeah, throw here and there denn ms siti went to say us.
denn after saying us, we started again. XD
denn erms, yeah, kept laughing like siao.
denn at about 4.45pm went down to parade square and played games.
yepps! :]
denn 5pm went home!! :DD
yeah, denn er yeah.
kay, byes.
:)) chubby mingli! <33-well, hope that offline message will let you change your mind. :]kay, going around tagging people now! :)
Thursday, November 6 || 11:46 PM
:)) boring day
in school.early in the morning had this vehh long talk by the
st.gabriel as they kept repeating themselves!
anw, at least they ended at 9am. :DD
played captain's ball, yayys!
and yeah, vs them again.
and yeah, we won. yayys. :)
but yanhui suddenly face vehh red
halfway through the game and realised
that its becos of sherard. =.=''
gahh, anw, denn went to put the equipments into the
pe room denn went for recess as we all wanna go
change during chinese lesson.
at last, realised that all p6 needa go assemble in the hall.
so yeah, went up early to change.
denn rubiks cube competition.
well, cheered for ruth.wenle.trina. and the 6b boys lah.
denn got to bored and started explaining the long grandmother
story of how the hamburger being eaten. ><
so yeah, a little confused then.
denn went back. english.
eeks, we cant play anymore games!! wad the hell!
arg, anw, yeah.
blah blah blah.
after school.
while waiting for ** to finish eating her lunch,
ms chew approached to us and erms, asked us to
help out in packing some weird stuffs for the home.
so yeah, all of us agreed. :]
denn erms, while walking home,
got all the facts right on the stupid hamburger.
eeks! so now im not veh confuse anymore.
andd i really cant believe wad i heard about someone who
erms, has changed, ALOT. )):
anw, yeah, denn went to celebrate someone's birthday, yayys!
so yeah, kay, byes!
and now is like 12am? ><
aiyah, too hyper until cant sleep liao. gahh, byess!!
:)) her words made me give up on you, but you will just mend it. damn. CRAZY.12am. 7 novemberr.
Wednesday, November 5 || 9:44 AM
:)) practically decaying the whole day.
and yeah, todayy is the day that
er, some stupid enemy friendship started to break.
and of cus, now hamburger is half-eaten and
wenjing and i were super confused. ))):
and yeah, so tmr there's school.
yayys? :]
andd gotta bring my dead terrarium?!
so yeah, now im like trying to make it upright at least
it looked alive? ><
and im in love with 'do you remember' by aaron carter!
which is quite long ago but its terribly NICE!! <3333
kay, i wanna go and sleep liao. byess!
:)) Do you remember Why I walked on water for you Do you remember My first steps on the moon Have you ever wondered Why I gave three wishes to you You asked the question But the answer lies in you.'you'll never be alone ever and ever again. 11.01pm. 5 novemberr.
Tuesday, November 4 || 9:31 PM
:)) phone got confiscated but still got it back. :]
kay, cut short.
english lesson.
phone got confiscated by ms chew.
denn erms, some of us were suspecting ** got bring.but she never surrender.so two of us blocked her view.another two, ransacked her bag.and realised that there really was a phone in the outer pocket. =.=''so yeah, dunno whether to tell ms chew anot.denn doris went to tell leeyin denn all of us together go say. denn after school stayed back.she went to slot her phone into her pocket and placed her bagon the table and stared at ms chew. wth.denn after that we hurry take our phones back and went to mac.at about 1.40pm xuanli came.
denn er, ate lunch denn the rest of the guys came.
denn went together. blah blah blah.
well, the movie is er, not so nice except for the last part.
so during the movie i was lying on the arm thing and
dozingg off while ** andd ** went really noisy and all,
yeah, so denn erms, it ended and had dinner andd all denn went to play again.
went home. :]
in the bus, err, went really noisy
again.yeah, quite fun though.
denn erms, as usual, doris they all left first.
denn wenjing they all left.
denn finally me. :]
so yeah, have to wait for like 2 bus stops after wenjing they all.
gahh, anw, yepps! :]]
and tmr's a holiday, sianz.
andd yeah, reached home and cant play cos loved-sis needa do
last minute revision for her olevels tmr. =.=''
so yeah, and tmr gonna decay at home watching shows.
2 more eps! :)
kay, byess!
:)) eeeeeee. shy arhx?9.44pm. 4 novemberr.
Monday, November 3 || 6:31 PM
:)) just need 2 more hours.
hmm, nothing much special actually.
but chinese lesson is when er, everyone go crazy?
well, denn seamus and yuheng snatch our seats so er, we sat at the back row.
and erms, i wrote on vivien's autograph book and
er, i wrote loser under the HATES the other time.
denn well, the book today was being read by the
same old boys and they went to say out loud.
and er, the book was then passed to yanhui and waiyheng who
were sitting right beside her?
denn erms, they started reading those pages and write down their best wishes.
so yeah, confirm loser read it denn she never write.
well, heard that she's embarrassed. =.=''
anw, denn i went to take it to read it again and realised that
half of the book unexpectedly hate her too. O.O
okays, im being horribly evil now.
gahh, yepps! :]
denn wenjing and i started to go crazy again and doing some
funny rehearsals until mrboo go say us.
anw, yeah, denn halfway through lessons started to make prank calls. :]]
denn seamus they all went to tell mr boo, sianz!
but still, mrboo dun care. :DD
erms, denn maths lessons.
guess mrstan forgotten about us again. :]
so yeah, started to play games.
and as usual, played bullshit.
with tzehin and shunhe telling each other who is lying, damn!
gahh, denn music lesson.
music room and wenjing and doris
finally joined us to sit at the corner. :]]
so yeah, i was starting to feel vehh tired and started
leaning on one of their shoulders and a head will always be on top of me.
denn yeah, watching mary poppins' or wadever it is,
both of us were dozing off.
denn finally 1pm. :D
so erms, stayed back denn rained denn er, stayed for awhile denn went home.
erms, partially drenched?
kay, byes!
:)) yesh! :]]not gonna give up on you, never. :]]6.54pm. 3 novemberr.
Sunday, November 2 || 1:26 PM
:)) churchh partyy.
okay, its supposed to be a party.
so yeahh, playedd some gamess andd
the boys were hilarious. :]]
denn yeah, group b won. :DD
yayys! so got 2 more pressies more than group a.
denn after that eat liao go swingg there playy and
chatted about our weird future and those questions
which starts with 'wad if..' :D
denn wenjing noticedd yuheng denn heard
yuheng valam and sherman's voice from valam's house.
so we saw themm lookingg down while we're playingg.
denn we decided to go valam's house and scare them. XD
at last, it failed! ><
so yeah, at last we went to see them playy denn suddenly
shunhe came. O.O
denn after that we went homee.
kay, i wanna go eat liao, byess!
:)) REJECTS!1.38pm. 2 novemberr.
Saturday, November 1 || 6:12 PM
:)) nchs open house todayy.
and reachedd nchs successfully. :DD
well, now at least i noe route and hmm,
quite fast. :]
todayy, something happened but dun wish to talk
about it, lidat this post will be veh long.
so yeah, at last found her and all. :D
denn go aroundd this bigg school and all.
andd signed upp in nchs basketball and
met this girl who is terribly cute and funn. :DD
kayy, denn after that went to compasspoint and all.
eeks, i've got no mood now, so yeah, byes.
Pictureess. :]]
you gotta zoom in for some..guess who performing on stage? >< international dance.
aliciaaaa. :DD

NCHS basketball! :)
~seeingg themm playy. :]]
:)) your final answer will finalize everything.
6.35pm. 1 novemberr.