“If You ever come back”
June 2008
July 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
September 2009
October 2009
November 2009
December 2009
January 2010
February 2010
March 2010
April 2010
May 2010
June 2010
July 2010
August 2010
September 2010
October 2010
November 2010
December 2010
January 2011
February 2011
Wednesday, March 31 || 7:44 PM
Flaws, im afraid so.
this is all that i'm not.
many things are happening.
and then you came along.
i've got tons of homework to be done, zee.
prefect investiture was a bore, saw Clarissa, omg cool. :D
match today against nanyang was being trashed at dunman sec,
but nanyang did not managed to reach their goal.
both B and Cdiv' will be playing against EastSpring soon.
gonna be busy soon,
had punishment of 1000 chestpass, 1000 shoulder pass right, 1000 shoulder pass left.
once dropped, restart.
did for 2hrs, tiring, but after finishing, its shiok!
wont be posting much already, ciaos! (:
p/s ; mood's going down.
Tuesday, March 30 || 6:56 PM
its true so.
match postponed today, sadly. ):
tomorrow morning gonna be match, against Nanyang for nationals.
school was, sleepy, boring. x-x
after assembly,
the whole class stayed at paradesquare when the other sec2s have left, lol.
dread maths lessonnnnnnnn.
then went for class,
lessons as usual.
slept soundly for chinesee. :|
msnellie came to class, cool.
and she didnt speak at first.
she didnt wait for us to settle down anymore,
she just write on the board, and then tell us briefly.
unfortunately, class was still in chaos. :D
she started to throw temper again, and blah.
bell ring, she storm out of the class, rofl.
mrwill didnt come today. ):
pepp was relieved by mrkumar.
while waiting for mdm tan,
class chaos again. x-x
the guys were playing with the door, zee.
and screaming here and there.
mslalitha came and gave us maths homework, wth. -.-
english did comprehension test.
left at 1pm for match.
skipped music and science. :)
headed to kallang.
shoot awhile, then it started to drizzle.
soon after, HEAVY RAIN. x-x
match supposedly to start at 2pm.
at last, it rained until 3.30pm and on.
soon after, had annoucement and all.
match postponed until tomorrow morning 10am.
headed back to school, played awhile.
headed to rp for dinner, homed with Vivian, Wenjing, Nicole. :D
im feeling reluctant to do anything, zee.
more hardships, sick.
Monday, March 29 || 8:27 PM
In chapter One.
Nationals tomorrow!jiayou team, just a lil bit, go team! <3
shall elaborate fast. hardships.
school starts, zee.
overslept. :|
assembled with team as usual,
then assembly.
then PE.
msheng threw a dice,
odd then odd numbers run,
even then even numbers run.
luckily, we're even and the dice was odd. :D
played captains ball against E5. :D
back to class.
art, changed to cdp,
then it was msjenny and another teacher came.
lol, played. the teachers just chat among themselves. :D
maths was just staring.
geography, cant find my notes cause' i keep changing places. x-x
homeecons, chatting and crapping, and making fun of msjenny. :D
then, science.
at lab, boring.
chinese, horrible. got back paper, arg.
english, journal writting.
then assembly,
whole class of us late for assembly,
had school song at the foyer there.
slept. x-x
then headed to compass together, had ljs. :D
then back to school, shoooooooooot for tomorrow's match.
shoot until damn tired, so started to rest, then homed.
oh, and my plum has gone through alot of hardships! :D
from Suan Mei,
to Ku Mei,
to Zhou Mei,
to alot of mei.
and its been crushed and all, rofl.
homed with vivian! :D
i havent start doing my journal writing yet,
i forget to bring home my theory book. x-x
gah, my ulcers still havent cure,
my nose is peeling. :/
so yeah,
hope to win tomorrowwwwww. *prays*
Sunday, March 28 || 5:11 PM
my ulcers are in pain.
my temperature now is 37.9degrees.
bet its the sunburn from bintan.
i woke up at 12.30pm.
fell flat on bed at 11.30pm last night.
i still miss bintan. ):
i wanna go to bintan again! D:
waking up at 5am (bintan time), which is 6am (singapore time) every morning.
and eating their superrrrrrb pineapples. :D
im more tanned, zee.
im still not used to eating alot after camp.
2.4km test tomorrow, hope i'll clock under 13.*
gah, i need more sleep. :|
imaly. :D
Saturday, March 27 || 11:42 PM
backkk from bintan!! :D
its awesomeee. :D
and yes, i do miss bintan now, that peaceful, not stress at all life. ):
3d3n just ended, like that. D:
i've got 2 mosquito bites, 5 scars, including one deep cut, and right hand strained. ):
reached school, gathered.
we're like principals, walking everywhere we like. :D
until 1pm.
went to shoot, prepared.
left school to kallang netball centre.
msloo doesnt wants us to know who we're competing.
VS CHIJ ToaPayoh.
score, i've forgotten. difference, 28.
lost, msyap said that we're good enough to get that score when we're at campsite,
cause' toapayoh is really good, arg.
Xcountry and basketballers came,
then went to bathe, then headed to bus.
all of us headed to tanah merah ferry terminal. :D
ate, then boarded the ferry.
its really really awesome to go with team. <3
the ferry is quite, rundown. x-x
i bet thats the LOWEST CLASS ONE.
ate motion sickness pill. almost vomited. x-x
all of us went to the rooftop and watched the senery.
damn sui, love the breeze. :D
everyone's singing song together, screaming together, omg nice. :D
2hr of ferry, shiok!
then alighted. headed to the bus, it was really dark at that time. :|
boarded the most rundown bus i've ever seen,
then headed to Looooola adventure place. :D
on the way, it was really horrified.
until when we reach the forest, the driver then started to on the music player. x-x
and there goes everyone getting high singing songs, lol.
slept during the 1hr bus journey.
when we reached loola, it was around 9plus pm.
everyone's reluctant to go to their group, sianzx. ):
ate dinner together, then had bag check.
then went to our dormitory. :)
then splitted into our groups. ):
but ohwell, V1 is not bad afterall. :D
slept, sweat like hell. x-x
wenyi and i couldnt sleep the whole night,
yet mandy still can be snoring soundly beside me. x-x
then dozed off, next morning, washed up.
had breakfast together with V1.
missed the day 1's activities.
V1 and V2 merged. :D
after breakfast, went to trekking at the mountain.
superrrrrrrrrrr steeep.
but the view is damn sui. :D
took around an hour to go up,
down around an hour or more.
slippppped. :/
then went to boom netting,
favourite activity! :D
did first deck and second deck, over and over again. :D
mandy and i started to slack in the net.
started to doze off, until when the boat started to start,
the motor start, the current, started to push us away. x-x
we're like some comedies, gosh.
got carried up,
then headed back to shore. D:
went back, had lunch.
then went to do flying fox, arg.
i took 20minutes, rofl.
sitting at the platform, shivering, frozen.
omg, i really hate heights.
i got pushed by the instructor, omg scary.
then went to do obstacles.
laugh until cry. :D
V1 do first, V2 support.
i love the swing part. :D
then bathed, etc.
dinner. -
slept really fast,
slept really soundly. :)
yesterday morning woke up,
shivering in cold.
washed up,
then went to the primary school there,
did cip.
funnnnn! :D
went to do the cement thing, for their volleyball court. :D
carrying the semen will definitely get blisters,
so does raking.
under the damn hot sun,
we did 1/4 of the court.
really tough. x-x
went to interact with the kids, they're so cute! :D
and when the bell ring for them to go home,
the children ride their motorbikes home.
everyone shocked until when we saw them driving home lah.
then went to library to help out in arranging the books. :D
then went back to campsite, rested.
then skywalk.
greatest fear once again, died. :|
the moment i go up, freaked out. x-x
told myself not to cry when im climbing the ladder.
yet i fell sideways, and upper right arm strained. ):
pain like hell, dropped 5 tears. :D
then applied oilment.
did not managed to do coconut tree.
did raft building, great.
played our cheer with Mandy and Shaq,
hilarious shaq. x-x
then dinner-ed.
then had campfire, woo! :D
slept soundly that night.
this morning,
first thing first in the morning, pack our stuffs, washed up.
did our raft racing against other houses,
woooo v1,2 got second in first round, then first in second round. :D
then had our breakfast,
then had our marine walk.
screamed like hell,
the damn seaweed keep grabbing my leg. x-x
damn creepy.
i bet i stepped and crushed lots of corals or stonefishes. :|
did reflections and all, slacked.
then lunch,
headed to the ferry terminal there.
our bus's wheel got punctured, rofl.
so all of us are splitted. D:
went to board F3's bus.
laughing at Irfan's dance, lol.
2hr journey there with nicole.c and cheyenne. :D
separated from them. D:
went to assemble with the sports group. :D
boarded the second wave back to singapore.
with J1.
the boat was really damn got class. :D
but, felt weird at the last part,
so slept.
woke up, my stomach seems to be wanting to vomit, arg.
then left the ferry. D:
headed to custom then went to waited for the others to come out.
at the same time,
all of us slacked on the floor.
there's a cockroach came attacking us.
one of the teachers went to slap the cockroach,
and it fell flat on the floor, rofl.
then there's a indian woman kicked it until the her shoe fly.
then myron, etc. went to let us eat sweets which are confiscated from the others at the start of the camp.
then boarded the bus,
mrwill told us about the shooting stars and all,
sigh. ):
missed it.
there's shooting stars every morning in loola. D:
the stars at the ferry terminal is quite alot too. :D
reached school around 8.30pm, headed to RP with team. :D
ate kfc, hahahahahah ! :D
celebrated camp over.
at last, we ate too much. ):
farewelled one by one. D:
cabbed home at 10.15pm.
best of the best, fave of the fave, zomg love you man.
im really tired now, ciaos. :D
i miss bintan,
i miss the laughters and fun,
i miss my group.
i miss my phone,
i miss my bed,
i miss my carebear,
i miss my eeyore,
i miss my blanket,
i miss my TOILET. i miss you.
Wednesday, March 24 || 7:34 AM
back on saturday night, blogging on sunday.
meanwhile, take care people, esp yati! :D
|| 7:31 AM
gah, i should be on the way to tanah merah ferry terminal now with my group.
yet, im still at home.
gonna have nationals later at kallang netball centre,
denn head down to some other ferry terminal.
gonna be reaching Indonesia around 11pm!?!
yesterday did last minute shopping with mates. :D
yesterday, headed to kallang, to watch seniors' nationals first round.
got trashed. :/
im seriously hopping that later ours will be not that hard. ):
reached school around 6pm.
farewelled Xiaomin, Nicole, Vivian. D:
headed to Wenyi's and Trudy's house.
then went to hougang point. :D
trolley, bags down, and we're practically running around. :D
went to find trackpants, arg. useless.
denn went to find bottle,
laugh until roll on the floor. x-x
damn funneh. :D
at last, all the bottes are useless too. x-x
then headed to find repellent, wet tissues, sweets, ziplocks, etc.
halfway, farewelled Angelu. D:
after everything, farewelled Rebecca and Trudy. D:
Wenyi and i headed to heartland mall,
bought trackpants. :D
then headed home. :)
reached home at 9.45pm,
bathed ate, by the time it was 10.45pm. ahhh!
and i havent even started packingggggggg.
rushed here and there,
so last minute. x-x
slept at 12am. :D
woke up 6.30am,
couldnt sleep well. ):
meeting team later for breakfast,
then we'll attend school like normal,
just that all the sec2s only left us, rofl.
gonna have lessons together, zomg.
match at 3pm,
the xcountry and basketballers will be heading down to kallang and wait for us, lol.
after match, bathe. then head down to the ferry terminal.
which needed 2 hours of Ferry, instead of 1. and land 1hr, instead of 2.
MrWill will be taking us. :D
alright, time to get ready! :D
ciaos! :D
Monday, March 22 || 7:43 PM
Happy birthday Mummy! :D
and Zikang! :D
and yesterday's Xinpei's! :D
do i even look like i want to hear your damn comments?! -'-
first day of school, zee.
ran 1km, slow jogged.
got cheated that its 2km.
lesson is as usually boring.
nothing much, slept.
its practically a normal schoolday. x-x
the whole class is gonna go complain to Mrlim principal,
about MdmNellieLim. all the best to her man. :D
mengyuen went to write the complain letter,
and behind, all of us need to sign to agree, lol.
and so they're gonna give to the general office. :D
had campbriefing during assembly.
then back to class for maths test.
and great, i've totally flunk it!
my fractions is a horrible mess,
my mind cant concentrate.
numbers, numbers, fractions, algebra, flood my damn brain.
sure to get single digit. x-x
headed to kfc for lunch with team. :D
homed at 6pm with Nicole and Vivian. :D
i've yet to pack my camp bag,
which is in two days' time. ):
im gonna be excited for ferry trip there,
but not camp, not at all. ):
ciaos. :)
Sunday, March 21 || 10:03 PM
well, you should be glad, bitch slut bastard fool idiot. :)
challenged Wanyi taptap last night, lol.
im so damn lousy, arg!
literature project with Nicole, Vivian, Rebecca today. :D
1.30pm reached kovan, met Vivian halfway. :D
Nicole was in mac.
bought sushi, went to WhiteTang.
reached mac, caught nicole redhanded, lol!
beejuan and lirong are inside mac.
whitetang, look at the crowd.
went to Mac.
settled down, did project.
got chased out by the damn manager. D:
Beejuan and LiRong got chased out too, hahah! :D
headed to WhiteTang. settled down.
ate and ate and ateee! :D
i love chocolate fondue. :D
denn studied.
Beejuan and LiRong came.
those two from smsing, to passing note. x-x
farewelled them. ):
left whitetang around 6plus.
headed to heartland mall to accompany rebecca and vivian to find camp bag. :D
denn farewelled Nicole. D:
went to compass,
sushi for rebecca,
walk walk,
they bought their camp bags. :D
made cake for mummy in icing room. :D
it was damn nice. :D
farewelled rebecca. D:
denn headed home around 8plus.
homed, bathed, celebration! :D
celebrated mummy's birthday in one day advance! :D
maths test tomorrow.
i've yet to study,
only done with literature, english project, 2 jianbao, Maths hw.
arg! D:
holiday has ended, zee.
im still praying that the we'll be in the same group for camp,
and hope that there's no training tomorrow,
and hope that tomorrow's not the maths test!
packing camp bag tomorrow, sianzee.
Saturday, March 20 || 10:12 PM
well, if you're bored, go bang the wall 100 times until you faint or die, i don't care.
there's not a need to go people's blog and spam people, get it?
zoooo photo! :D |
project at Nicole's house today with Vivian and Rebecca. :D
angela could not make it. D:
from 2pm, to 7pm.
and did a really nice yog project,
lol. lets see what mdm tan gonna say now. :D
denn had dinner together, after dinner, went to had burger straight.
vivian thought that her
thumb is the fries and bite it, damn rofl. :D
and after burger, we had icecream, lol.
maths, literature, history/geography project not done yet.
tomorrow gonna meet Nicole, Vivian, Rebecca for projects.
going to icing room and make mummy a birthday cake, yay! :D
sorry 6b, didnt made it today. ):
school's reopening soon, zee.
Friday, March 19 || 9:53 PM
things, are starting to get different, get it bitch? :)
morning wokeup,
accompanied mummy to have breakfast.
denn headed to school,
met vivian halfway bus trip there.
denn did 2km teamrun, under damn hot sun.
to train ourselves. :D
warmup, little courtwork,
bathed, changed.
and offff we go to Amk Hub! :D
on the way there,
met this damn cuteee couple together, rofl.
WindowsXP~ . :D
reached there, bought tickets.
denn had our lunch together.
then bought icecream, sushi, sausages, drinks.
and off we went to cinema. :D
so all of us were to randomly choose a ticket,
so im between Rebecca; Wishball! :D and Javier; A! :D
watched, THE KIDNAPPER. :|
36hours, whole life changed, upside down.
its so sad ):
many cried, except for Nicole, lol!
cried at the part when the little girl and him at the taxi. ):
its not scary at all. :)
but the scene when the damn kidnapper went to suck out around total of 5 bottles of blood from the innocent boy, arg! so sickening! and he just cant seem to just die!
the mother, died in the end. sad. ):
at the last part,
javier and i got veh agitated.
cause' the boy was looking at his father and the kidnapper fighting, why cant he just go punched that damn kidnapper?!?!?!
the lan guy, died too. damn sad!
innocent person, yet being stabbed by 3 to 4 times?! and dragged, and put into some drainage, eek!
i didnt dared to even eat my food, its like, what if i get choked halfway man! x-x
leemingshun, damn good at acting man. :)
the process of raising the money up, is practically so stressful and painful! ):
being beaten by loan sharks, and selling own kidney, the worst thing is,
after kidney is taken out, needs 11hours to rest, yet he's left with 6 hours!
bearing the pain, driving taxi all around, being fooled by that damn bastard to walk up the stairs,
all the way to the rooftop denn down, and up again, was arg!
movie ended.
the damn cute couple was sitting behind behind us during the whole movie!
denn had icecream again. :D
farewelled Wenjing, Nicole, Rebecca, Javier! D:
headed to Wanyi's house with Trudy, Vivian, Xiaomin, Wenyi! :D
reached there, its was raining. x-x
Wanyi and Evelyn brought us to Wanyi's house. :D
played, played, and played, lol.
just 320 points. D: <
denn had dinner there, yummmmy! :D
farewelled Xiaomin and Wanyi. D:
Thanks thanks thanks Evelyn, Wenyi, Trudy, Vivian! :D
for accompanying to wait for me for that damn long bus.
which seems to take 20mins to come. ):
homed at 9pm. :D
karaoke tomorrow 6b usuals. :D
hope that i'll have the energy.
holiday is about to end,
I need someone to tutor maths, desperately!
okay, sleep is all i need now, ciaos! :D
Thursday, March 18 || 10:15 PM
We'll be a dream.
day spent with Rebecca and Vivian! :D
woke up at 12pm.
denn got ready, headed to compass. :D
reached bk. met Siangjoo! :D
did homeworks.
3 projects, 3 homeworks.
and left with 3 projects, 1 homework. :D
project untouched, Angela sudden MIA. x-x
so horrible.
nicole did not managed to make it today. D:
everyone waited for Angela from 1pm, to 6pm. x-x
saw three
BANANAS today, rofl.
denn headed to lrt there to slack.
soon after,
farewelled Rebecca. D:
denn headed down to Tampines with Vivian, at around 6, lol.
shopping from T1, Century, then TM. :D
got scolded by some anthaneh. ohwth.
we can call the police and sue them man.
second time meeting them, sway!
and beware, next time, if there's a anthaneh come and ask you to donate for her education thing,
dun ever get cheated man!
first time meeting, we got cheated. x-x and bought a damn pen for $5. =="
this time,
one ordinary card $2, $5, $50, $100!?!
we didnt buy, got scolded. arg!
what's wrong man!?!
left around 9pm (?) .
bus ride was long, yet funny. :D
watching antheneh couple, gross yet hilariousss. :D
so yeah, brought vivian to mrt, homeed! :D
tomorrow training, running 2/3km.
denn heading for movies with team,
for celebration. WEEEEHOOO! :D
watching Kidnapper. :D
okay, ciaos! :D
Wednesday, March 17 || 9:55 PM
Credits to Weilin, and Lynnette! :D
Inuka's Behind us! :D
Ostrich's behind us! :D
Snakkeeee. :D
Parrottttts! :D , self-timer. :D
Touristttts! :D
I love Group 5 ; Penguins! :D
these are only group photos, more on fb, etc. :)
|| 9:11 PM
Shawty is my eenie meenie miney mo lova! :D
cause' here we go!
superbbbb day at Zoo today! :D
pictures sooooon! :D
morning, woke up 6.55am, played cafeworld. :D
denn went to meet Vivian, lol.
she's lost. x-x
denn boarded bus, denn Wenjing joined us. :D
reached amk hub late, but not the latest. :D
accompanied to mac.
Sister. Xiaomin is crazy over eenie meenie too man! :D
denn everyone reached, headed to zooooo. :D
stood all the way,
played rebecca's itouch! :D
and chatted alot man! :D
denn reached zoo, splitted into groups.
got group 5 ; Rachel, Lillia, Huifang, Weilin, Geraldine, Junior.Xinyi, Junior.Joey. :D
sat down in zoo, planned our route.
called ourselves Penguins, lol.
many many things we saw,
main aim going to zoo, is to see CUTE DAMN BEST PENGUINS! :D
but polar bear feeding time, was one of the bests! :D
Inuka and Shebe is damnnnnn cuteeeeeeeeee! :D
they're GIGANTIC ! :D
denn gathered at 11.30am, at the amphitheatre.
watched the splash zone show,
sealions are cutee. :D
rachel and i went to step out and let it kiss us, rofl. hilarious moment. :D
took photos with the tourists, lol.
that nepal guy is zomg, faint. :D
denn gathered, discussed our skit.
everyone's supposed to do a skit for each group according to the animals we took with. :D
and went we want to take photo with the parrots, they started to make out, wth.
so we have ; parrots, polarbears, ostrich, snake, deer, santa! :D
so its obviously about merrychristmas. :D
parrots - Junior. Xinyi and Joey.
polarbears. - Rachel, me.
ostrich. - Geraldine.
snake - Lillia.
deer - Huifang.
santa. - and narrator - Weilin.
so the story goes like this. :D ;
One day, two parrots were out to pa tuo together, ostrich went to peep at them. Two parrots got angry, and started chasing after the Ostrich. Ostrich ran for her life, but ended up meeting a snake, lol. Ostrich was shocked. Snake ; hisssss, hellllooo, can i be your friend? , lol. In the end, Ostrich, Snake, Two Parrots are friends. They all walked together, until they met Deer, with a SantaClaus! :D Santa needs to go give present to the two polarbears. :D so they headed there, soon after. THEY LIVE HAPPILY EVER EVER EVER AFTER! :D hohoho, merry christmas! :D
the end. :D
Senior.Rachel's group was the MOST HILARIOUS ONE.
laugh until stomachache man. x-x
headed to KFC for lunch, queued up damn long.
cut. ;x
soon after, realised that we're the last, so ran all the way there.
at last, SO LITTLE PEOPLE, sianz.
wanted to go for elephant ride, but misunderstood the price, arg!
denn headed to souvenir shop, took whole family tree photo, denn some of us ran to the amphitheatre. :D
watched splashzone again, but its the WHOLE show. :D
sui lah.
denn farewelled some of them. D:
left with Lynnette, Wenjing, Javier, Rachel, me.
denn went to entrance, bought drink. denn headed back. :D
Rachel's sister followed us. :D
and then realised that, Beejuan and Nicole are still inside ZOO! ROFL!
so meet them, denn toured around the WHOLE ZOO.
build muscles man. x-x
all of us were vsing the Siamang monkeys' voice. DAMN FUNNY. :D
Rachel is the TourGuide.
and im the assistant.
Javier is always the slowest, rofl.
went to the Red Kangaroo there, lol.
we can touch the kangaroo, at last, the kangaroo see food, hopped away. x-x
Javier got crazy, when we dun want to go and see baboons, yet she want, rofl.
denn travelled around the whole of monkey island. :D
one of them even clapped, rofl. damn cute.
denn after much considerations, we decided to take the tram.
HAHAHAHH, Clara did a damn good job at persuading the zoo people that we are children man! :D
children = below 12.
but we pleaded so much,
and all of us are considered as children. HAHAHAHAHAH! :D
damn cheap!
the tram ride was, shiok!
damn nice to sleep. :D
denn at the end, already. D:
denn headed to exit, went to amk hub.
farewelled Lynnette, Javier, Nicole, BeeJuan. D:
bought food food fooooood! :D
denn shopped around.
denn played at the escalator, damn hilarious lah!
we tricked Clara to go up and down the escalators, rofl. :D
denn homeeeed with Wenjing. :D
so tireeeeeeeeeed, damn great day though.
hahahahahah, im waiting for Lynnette to upload photosssssssss! :D
photos soon, ciaos! :D
shit you, shaotze -.-
Tuesday, March 16 || 9:59 PM
We Made It As A Team, Northzone top3 @ Yishun Sports Hall.
blame my big head.
back, many events coming on.
nationals coming, skipping first day of camp.
so its 3d3n. we're gonna go and take the last ferry to bintan,
with basketballers and x-country.
late at night. :/
reaching loola around 9pm. (?!)
training yesterday, the weather was damn warm.
had sunburnt on forehead. D:
today training, trained under rain, shiok. :D
but it ended off later.
tired, dead beat. didnt went to eunice's party, REALLY SORRY. D:
projects homework, yet to be done!
bonding session with sec1s tomorrow,
HAHAHAHAH, my main aim to go there, is to see PENGUINS! :D
stoned three venues today after training with team, it was HILARIOUS. x-x
from outside koufu, to beside the stairs, denn on the pavements, rofl.
sat on the floor, blocking everyone's path. :D
msyap saw us, even said HI! :D
seniors saw us, shocked, lol.
farewelled others. D:
headed to Rachel's house with Vivian, Xiaomin, Trudy. :D
had a damn great fun. :D
bought mai ya tang, went to playground, played ice and freeze. :D
denn played wii, and watched ppg with xiaomin and rachel's youngest sister, rofl.
played, computer, etc. :D
until around 7pm.
Rachel and Clara song us go. :D
i wanna sleep now, waking up at 7am.
just to go zoo for baboons.
meeting vivian then wenjing on the bus to amk.
ciaos. :D
Friday, March 12 || 8:43 PM
600th post.
tonight im falling, and i can't get up.
term1 has finally over.
im falling asleep already, too tired to post.
posting tomorrowww, ciaos.
Thursday, March 11 || 8:38 PM
when i wake up, the dream isn't done.
everything, felt like a dream. allthebest):
morning, had nyaa.
last lesson for nyaa, chanbarra.
its the only lesson i felt happy. :D
stepped into class for maths, left straight after greeting, lol.
headed to Yishun Sports Hall, weeehooo! :D
we made it to the sports halllllll!
both Cdiv and Bdiv made it to
Top3 for Northzone today. :D
we won sengkang, with a score of 13-19. :D
before match, the emcee will introduce the players one by one, lol.
first quarter, 2-5, we're leading.
second quarter, dunno what score, we're still leading.
third quarter, they started to catch up. by maybe one or two shots.
fourth quarter, gave it all our best.
Sengkang's GK tripped over me and sprained her ankle.
denn she cried, gosh.
her sprain seems to be quite bad, well, hope she'll get well soon.
overall match was great, good fight.
seniors' match started straight after.
they vs-ed anderson.
and won. :D
i miss you, every night and then.
debriefed, by MrLim, MrsChong and Msloo.
MrsChong bought us pudding, lol.
Seniors and Coaches went to dabao us some food. :D
waited at sportshall, watching SportsSchool and dunno which school vs.
denn they came back, atee together. :D
Rachel, Wenjing and i practically embarrassed ourselves in front of my idol lah! x-x
but its really damn hilarious,
HILARIOUS. damn comedy.
denn watched the match, Sports School vs Canberra.
first quarter, THEY DRAW.
second quarter, Close to Draw.
third quarter, Close to Draw.
until last quarter, Sports school get it back.
damn nice. :D
soon after, timeee flies.
prizegiving @ 4.30pm.
got our second medal! :D
damn niceeeeeeee! :D
denn group photos and all,
denn gave back our medals. D:
tomorrow will be taking during assembly. :D
went back to school,
watching them play netball, and laugh at the comedies. :D
homed with Wenjing and Vivian. :D
everything, felt like a dream.
time really flies, we made it team! (L)
literature project due tomorrow, arg. rush hourrrrrr.
im so tiredddd, *yawnnnnnnns.
playing nationals soon, eek.
we've still got nationals. team, lets do it!
korkor cut her fringe, rofl. :D
mandy's such a pig, she's sleeping now already, lol. :D
mummy bought my favourite icecream durian cake, lol. :D
thanks Angela alot for the goodies you made for team during your mc days! :D
mentallyweak, sigh.
i wannaaaaaaaaa rest now, bye.
ciaos. :)
awww, im feeling so sad, arg.
If you love someone, you should set them free.
wishball wishball wishball wishball. :D
Wednesday, March 10 || 6:08 PM
Falalalala, cause' i found myself in your wonderland.
tomorrow's top3/4 placing position against Sengkang.
yes team, we can do it.
the best ever thing was, leaving class at
9am. :D
means, we're gonna go nyaa, chanbarra, arg.
and just 10minutes of maths. :D
after match, we're gonna stay at republic poly until 4.30pm.
for prize giving ceremony, weeehoo! :D
so xiaomin and i bought drinks to share with team. :D
today's sports day.
Rebecca and Javier did damn bestttttttttttt! :D
the rest of us cant run, cause' tomorrow's match. D:
it was raining,
so they have to run in the rain. D:
i overslept in the morning,
went to meet nicole denn headed to stadium together. :D
sat together with some teammates, and wanyi, and cheyenne(?). :D
was interested about the events at first,
soon after, got bored. ;x
played with rachel's hair. :D
played with wanyi's iphone with xiaomin. HAHAHAHAH! :D
denn wanyi went to run relay, got first. :D
soon after, iphoneee all the way.
school song, headed to ave8 mac with team. to avoid congestion. :)
sat under the canopy, cause' there isnt any spaces in mac.
ate, denn played around.
vivian all of a sudden talk about lan.
trudy got crazy laughing after saying an old woman going lan.
it was damn funny, when trudy said; zhie si simi arrow?
imagine an old woman playing audition in lan, lol.
soon after,
we tricked trudy that there's bird shit on her head,
denn we ran away when she went to the toilet.
farewelled Nicole and Rebecca. D:
denn headed to lan, with Trudy, Vivian, Xiaomin, Wenyi, Angelu, Stacey. :D
the coolest thing was, the whole lan was OWNED BY NV.
everywhere you go, all from nv. x-x
played audition. for an hour and a half.
denn left.
went to eat icecream together,
farewelled the others. D:
denn headed home with vivian. :D
changed bus, homeeed.
so tired, maths homework to do.
tomorrow's the big big big game! :D
*you know, we'll win.
tomorrow's game, will determine,
who will be the one getting top3,
ciaoooooos! (:
cause' she demand, we'll fufil it.
Never let your head hang
down. Never give up and sit down and grieve. Find another way.
- Satchel Paige
Tuesday, March 9 || 9:24 PM
Under the radar, out of the system. cheerup.
seriously, finally.
i bet there's a forest fire near Sengkang. :|
im so gonna bring a damn mini fan to school man.
the weather hot until want to die.
i ended up sleeping at maths's first period, lol.
soon after, when i wake up,
i realised that almost everyone is sleeping, lol.
had test.
harrrrrrd, and teacher claimed that its easy. great.
copied notes, weather is killing me. x-x
before mdm woo came,
Kelvin and WeiYao fought, lol.
BEST OF FRIENDS, together fight. x-x
everyone surrounded them, and stare at them.
Kelvin was like strangling WeiYao denn throw him to the ground.
mrliew from next door came to the rescue. :D
everyone clapped for him, HAHAHAH! :D
great teacher, i miss him teaching. D:
the funniest thing was, after they fought, their relationship came closer, HAHAHAHAHAH!!
mdmwoo came, ended up talking for literature.
pepp, mrwill tell us about the jail stories cause' he's there to look after them. (?)
damn gross.
denn englishhhhhh.
did letter writing, should be a test, ended up not a test.
mschia or dunno who. gonna take over the exmusic teacher, arg.
singapore flag upside down, i dun like her. :)
she asked us to play this owl and rat game.
things got wrong when Jinghui is the mouse, Jamson is the owl.
when we come out of the music room, the air is damn warm,
and smoke is like everywhere. x-x
science lesson, nobody's listening.
science lesson lasted for 10min, and rinnnnng! :D
Cdiv and Bdiv together.
was about defence.
so im supposed to hold wenyi and catch for a lobe no matter what,
to train wenyi to jump for lobes.
not quite tough, cause' i cant run. x-x
played game against seniors.
training ended at 6pm, denn debrief.
rested at ish shelter, denn headed to rp. :D
had mac and bbt.
on the way to bus stop, met Angela. :D
tomorrow's sports day, its gonna be soooo boring. :/
arg, how i wish i can absent. D:
will be there to support Javier and Rebeccaaaaa. :D
meeting team in the morning, yay! :D
im still having flu, since yesterday.
and i seriously seriously, need some sleep already. x-x
ciaos! (:
Monday, March 8 || 7:59 PM
in your perfect world.
homeeework is waiting for me. x-x
so, i sprained my other leg during after school streetnetball.
okay, im damn sway these days.
school is sleepy today.
tomorrow's gonna be more tiring, chinese test, literature project,
and training.
wednesday's gonna be sports day, and it'll be so boring.
looking forward to look at korkor holding pompom and cheering, lol. :D
thursday's match against sengkang.
im disgusted by someone now, arg.
ciaos. (:
Sunday, March 7 || 7:18 PM
Painting Flowers.
changing playlist.
songs from
Alice in the Wonderland soundtrack.
if you're interested ;
1 Alice (Underground)
- Avril Lavigne
2 The Poison
- The All-American Rejects
3 The Technicolor Phase
- Owl City
4 Her Name Is Alice
- Shinedown
5 Painting Flowers
- All Time Low
6 Where's My Angel
- Metro Station
7 Strange
- Tokio Hotel and Kerli
8 Follow Me Down
- 3OH!3 featuring Neon Hitch
9 Very Good Advice
- Robert Smith
10 In Transit
- Mark Hoppus with Pete Wentz
11 Welcome to Mystery
- Plain White T's
12 Tea Party
- Kerli
13 The Lobster Quadrille
- Franz Ferdinand
14 Running Out of Time
- Motion City Soundtrack
15 Fell Down a Hole
- Wolfmother
16 White Rabbit
- Grace Potter and the Nocturnals
playlist does not consist all of it, only some.
catching alice in the wonderland soon, yay! :D
|| 1:59 PM
it was a blast yesterday. :D , now im so tired. :/
celebrated cousin's 21st birthday at marina kbox party room.
left house at 5.45pm, headed to cityhall to meet sister and ahma. (:
denn headed to marina square's kbox.
had party at the party room which has karaoke, pool, buffet, and computer. :D
ahma and aunt left first.
Kailing is damn funny. :D
sang lots of korean songs together. :D
fell asleep from 2.30 to around 3?
drunk whisky until almost vomited. x-x
denn played pool with kids. :D
HAHAHAHAH, they're damn cute. :D
they use the pole and just sweep all the balls into the corners, lol.
denn played a real game with sister, kailing and joleeen. :D
from 3-4am, was karaokee.
denn left kbox.
the whole mall is empty.
kailing just fell flat on the floor, and so all of us lie down and take photo, lol.
denn the guard came.
walked for like 1hr.
and reached bugis, lol.
so we walked from raffles to bugis.
denn ate breakfast at 5am. (?)
cabbed home with sister at 6am, since she needs to go school.
homeed, washedup, slept.
sister washedup, slept awhile until 7am and off she go to schoool.
i woke up at 1pm.
sister just started sleeping, lol.
im having headache now. :/
i love la chang! :Dlastlong.
school tomorrow, sianzx, ciaos.
happy 21st birthday cousin! :D
may you be happy foreverrrrr.
my eyes are fond of being watery. :/
Friday, March 5 || 7:52 PM
This will NOT be a proper post.
don't read it, if you're not interested.
and yes, we're gonna trash Anderson, in the nationals.
im not having any mood now, im skipping meal cause' i just had kfc.
today, everyone played a really good game.
it was really a good fight, better than the sss one.
nobody's fault at all.
msloo said its a good game.
we just merely do it, just
three shots, sigh.
we'll get it back, during nationals.
like how Yuhui's team did.
they can even win sss, why can't we win anderson too? [:
no use repenting back on the mistakes we've made,
mistakes we shouldn't have made.
look how far we've come, from how noob we are during the carnival matches,
to now, a Top4 team, since 4 or 5 years' history.
we've 2 losts.
and no, we cant bear any losses anymore.
we'll win Sengkang,
ohyes we will.
no matter what rumours about them, you might not know what rumours they got from us.
make it
so, lets all wipe our tears, and start being aggressive, and smart on court!
no matter what happens, we'll go through as a team, grow as a team.
"Life can only be
understood backwards; but it must be
lived forwards." - Kahlil Gibran.
|| 8:22 AM
Sometimes I Forget, bitch, stfu.
sometimes i don't think.
semifinals later, in around 6 hours' time. :)
i collapsed on bed at 9pm last night,
i wanted to sleep 12hours straight until this morning 9am.
but unfortunately, i didnt managed to. D:
woke up at 7.15am this morning.
yesterday. was fun. :D
nyaa, borinnnnnnnng chanbarra. :|
maths, not much.
recess. -
science @ lab.
mrsoong's angry with us.
so he started to on off on off the fans and lights,
to make us suffer in the damn weather.
everyone's calling each other double of the last name, lol.
i was doing my zuoye so that no need to bring home and do. :D
made sushiiii! :D
ms.charmain joined us, and she paired with JunYin,
which is opposite me only.
i took around 20minutes just to cut the long sushi equally. :D
msjenny finally gave us full marks, yay! :D
denn proceeded to hall for sec2 camp briefing. :D
denn went back to class.
for NE Quiz, zee.
denn went to prepare for training.
Sec1s, CDiv, Bdiv, all training.
but Cdiv and Bdiv merge. :D
HAHAHAAH, feel so good to be a senior now, yay! :D
after warmups,
msloo taught us how to play some walking game, lol.
lost. D:
need to piggyback the person opposite, which is XIAOMIN.
HAHAHAHAH, but she's quite light. :D heng!
denn did shuttles, denn courtwork.
soon after, training ended at 6pm.
rested, at ish shelter. :D
farewelled Nicole and the other RP people. D:
denn went homeee with Vivian and Wenjing. :D
waffle, denn homed. :D
going to meet team for breakfast later. :D
zee, today is supposedly our elearning day, but still have to go school. :|
gah, means i wont be able to see everyone online on the msn list. D:
alright, ciaos! :D
trash Anderson, *
Wednesday, March 3 || 7:36 PM
happppppiest moment of lifeeeeeeeeeeeee. :D
won riverside today, with 44-6.
there's maths homework, english, and im falling asleeeep. :/
breakfast with team in the morning.
rushed maths in class.
science did worksheet, which mrsoong said its a test, lol.
at last everyone asked questions, until mrsoong is practically giving us the answer. :D
cdp, was just trying to blow bubblegum.
left class at 1pm.
had yummy food at canteeeen together. :D
shoot awhile,
board the busssssss.
reached wooooodlands, ; republic poly.
watched the game ; StNicholas VS Canberra.
sigh, quite guilty that its because of us, they cant get into semifinals. :/
ohwell, denn warmups.
check nails, umpire is happy with us. :D cause' its our FAVOURITE UMPIRE!
game started.
blah blahhhhhhh.
ended with 44 goals, super woooooooper happppppy! :D
after sooooo much hardwork, we'll never give up.
goooo nvnetballlllll! :D
k,iprovedtoyou, that i don't need you.
went to rp to celebrate after that.
had kfc to celebrate, lol.
everyone laughed until some fall down,
some stomachache, some hit until table.
made a damn big fuss at kfc man. :D
homeeeeeeeeeeed with vivian and wenjing! :D
elearning day, gonna go for Semi-finals match with Anderson. |:|
lets get
top2, go team! :D
alright, maths time, ciaos.
omg, i just realised that my blog is roooootting. D:
happppppiessst mommennnnnnt. :D
Tuesday, March 2 || 9:36 PM
10 more posts. :D
friday's elearning day. D:
and we'll still have to go school,
in full jersey, lol.
yesterday's game against singaporesportsschool,
was, horrible. :|
but we ended the day happily. :D
i was shooting, the GK jumped and defend me.
i got the shock of my life, damn.
her whole body seems to be jumping towards me. x-x
and i cant see the pole, dalksjflaksdj!
so horrible. :|
denn another one named akeelah.
hahahah, great person. :D
telling me her butt pain when she hit until the pole, ouch.
after game,
everyone with the sportsschool people,
hugged each other and cheered, lol.
so bonded. (:
score was 8-34.
well, we could've done better.
reached school,
went to staffroom to find mdmtan.
lol, for the first time,
vivian, nicole and i were like some bad people who doesnt do homework,
so we sat on the tables and chairs outside staff room, to do test and essay. x-x
did grammar test, denn essay.
halfway essay,
i fell asleep, zee.
i wrote halfway, and piak!. x-x
so embarrassing!
after doing,
ran down to canteen.
had kfc. which mates had dabaoed! :D
denn played courtgames.
laughed like hellll. :D
HAHAHAH, thanks to sportsschool. :D
their warmup and cheer, and all dancing and jumping, DAMN COOL.
so we all mixed up our positions. :D
i became Centre, and i dun like.
before that we had cheer and all,
HAHAHAH, was hilarioussssss. :D
soooon after, homeeeedddd.
today, was a sad day.
its been a long time since we had tuesday lessons.
lessons were as usual,
chinese, lol. everyone's unhappy with teacher, due to the words we have to copy.
4pages on the microsoft. x-x
blah blah.
pepp test.-
english, thankgod javier!!!!
gahh, its the time we had to STAY CALM, and not make mdmtan angry.
music, horrible. IM NOT BLACK, im
tanned. =="
sciencee. nothing much.
straight after school,
went to BodyWorld with the sec3s and basketballers, zee.
sat with nicole, :D
reached thereee,
Lecture got some dunno what.
so we dun have lecture. D:
headed to the exhibition then.
erm, its okay. :)
after everything, headed to Mac to eat. :D
denn gathered. blah.
took our own sweet time and all. :D
horrible, being badmouthed by msjenny. :|
great. D:
headed back to school,
journey was clear without any jams.
didnt slept.
reached school,
trained. :D
in uniform. :)
denn homed with wenjing. :D
Riverside game tomorrowww, GO TEAM! :D
really hope that we'll win. *
im so tireddd, feet having blisters, i seemed to be lacking of water.
gah, ciaos.
falling to my knees, tcheerup.