“If You ever come back”
June 2008
July 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
September 2009
October 2009
November 2009
December 2009
January 2010
February 2010
March 2010
April 2010
May 2010
June 2010
July 2010
August 2010
September 2010
October 2010
November 2010
December 2010
January 2011
February 2011
Thursday, April 29 || 8:00 PM
school today was neutral.
english exam tomorrrrow!
i failed my second maths test as expected,
managed to pass retest for first test though.
then went for maths crt.
supposedly at lecture theatre,
ended up at stuffy classroom.
class finally ended.
headed to compass pizzahut with class and some others. :D
mainly Rebecca, Nicole, Vivian, Jinghui, Xianyang, Sean, Sherman, Amos, Jianfu, Marcus, Yeongseok, Jamson, Jianwuen, Jiaxun. :D
after eating played truth or dare, hilarious. :D
sherman went to one of the table and said hi to them, lol!
jianwuen's primary sch girl friend joined us.
farewelled Rebecca and Jinghui. D:
headed home early cause' vivian's having eyelid infection. D:
hope she get well sooooon! :D
farewelled Vivian then Nicole. D:
homed. :D
well, hope that next door class could just settle things peacefully. :)
Wednesday, April 28 || 6:25 PM
lost wallet today.
sigh, not in any mood at all.
got scolded like hell.
what matters most are,
pri photos, lost both in wallet and computer.):
Monday, April 26 || 5:45 PM
The story left untold. N, dao.
chinese exam tomorrrrowwww!!!!
and i dun have the urge to study, pffft.
fell during captain's ball today,
same knee bleed, zee.
class was as usual.
i finally managed to stay awake during science,
i wanted to CONCENTRATE.
but unfortunately, the class was so noisy, that mrsoong keep stopping.
until i slept. D: <
vivian and i started our fighting drama again, super funnehhhh.
especially when the bunch of people walk across, lol!
xianyang cannot pronounce factorise.
he pronounced it to 'factor-rie', lol!
assembly was just dozing off. :|
headed for Maths Retest at 2e3 after that.
its so hard, seriously.
great, its the retest already. :/
i hopeeeee my chinese can please get at least a b3. :|
lucks to everyone for exammmmmmmmmmmmmms! :D
Sunday, April 25 || 7:51 PM
i love 2e4 which is full of maria, ahbeng, ahgua, weeeehooo!
i love cheeeese slices! :D
study date with Vivian and Trudy today. :D
managed to accomplish 5hr study, yes!
headed to j8 at 11.30am,
library was packed,
so headed to subway.
the soup there is damn nice, drank twice.
studied from 12pm to 5pm.
halfway sengkang netballers came too. (:
had break, then continued, until 6pm.
saw evelyn and shihhwee at mosburger.
then headed for shopping.
bought jinxia's present. :D
farewelled them at bridge. D:
ran for bussss.
homeeed for hong xing da jiang. ;x
chickennnn littttttleeeeeeeee. :D
alright, school tomorrow, ciaooos.
Saturday, April 24 || 6:21 PM
Staring out, across the stars.
remedial today rock, but tiring.
lynnette didnt even know there's remedial.
super terribly late today.
met Nicole in bus, reached bus stop at 7.45am.
Rebecca and Vivian still at home!
went to shop and save walk walk.
saw pig heart out of curiousity. x-x
soon after, they reached bus stop around 8.20am, lol!
ran to school, late for 30minutes.
had rememdial by mryoong from 8am to 10am.
we can even just eat in front of him and all. :D
it was fun, and all.
mryoong cant remember names well,
all stuck with daphne stephanie, cindy, lol!
went to compass for lunch with classmates soon after.
ate alot with wishhhball, :D
xiaomin, wenyi, angelu, dominica, lynnette appeared. :D
went to library to meet classmates,
then got chased.
farewelled Rebecca and others. D:
went home with Vivian then. :D
shall end of post with 2e4'10. ♥
overdued, dued, its the same.
Friday, April 23 || 8:03 PM
Amber Pacific
its finally friday! :D like we used to.
tomorrow's school day, pfft.
but bet its gonna be fun.
gonna be having maths remedial with Rebecca, Nicole, Vivian, Angela, Jianfu, Jamson, Mandy, Rachel, Lynnette, etc.
and the best thing is, the remedial not gonna be taught by mslalitha.
its gonna be by MrPang and MrYoong. :D
im having more new illnesses, flu and cough. :|
but it seems that rebecca is worser than me. ):
get well sooooon wishball! :D
i was so tired last night,
that i slept from 8pm.
didnt had any appetite, until 1am.
was feeling damn sickkk. :/
went back to bed, cant sleep well, arg.
woke up at 5.30am, tried to absorb in history, useless. :(
so i've totally flunk today's history test, arg.
Thursday, April 22 || 8:25 PM
im currently down with damn sorethroat,
ulcer planting in my throat. :/
flu and cough too.
fortunately, rebecca too! :D
i've got one day mc today, but i still decided to go school,
i wanna play one last time of kangoo jump! :D
kangoo jump today was funnn! :D
played some running games, then 'captain's ball'.
the instructor for running one is super nice. :D
but the one for the ball game, sucks. -.-
end of whole kangoo jump session already, sigh. :(
maths was a chaotic lesson.
begging mrpang for us to be able to go for match, damn maths remedial.
while waiting for mslalitha to come, since the class most people wanted to go for the match,
he asked us who failed maths test raise up.
so no matter how many remedials we go, useless. :)
mrpang went to ask ms.lalitha, she dun allow, arg.
soon after, mrpang said that he go find backup, = mryoong. :D
maths lesson, played with paint. :D
recess, asked him. and he said 85% can, woohoo!
then science.
did weird experiment with vivian. :D
needed a glue, then it popped out a uhu superglue underneath my table, lol!
then took it, and use it to mix with liquid. :D
it turned out seems to be some chewing gum.
damn stink though. ;x
then english, did summary.
then homeecons.
did workboook.
then left at 1.30pm.
headed to dnt workshop to find Rebecca and Vivian.
went to washroom,
then lillia shouted for us to hurry.
we rushed down,
realised that they've all gone. :(
we thought we've got left, but we got cheated. -.-
when we're in the bus, then they all of a sudden appear, arg!
reached singaporebasketballcentre.
whole 200 max people at the audience seats, cheering with them.
cdiv basketball girls lost to christchurch, grats for second in northzone.
cdiv basketball guys won presbyterian high school, grats for being first in nz.
then headed back to school together, then left for rp for dinner.
homed. :)
history test tomorrow, im feeling so weak that my brain cant seem to be able to absorbed it. :|
i wanna sleep, im gonna study history tomorrow last minute.
Tuesday, April 20 || 9:13 PM
need a break.
damn weather killing people.
i've been sleeping early, super early.
bdiv training started yesterday.
buddy system is finally out.
grouped with Jinxia and Angela. :D
funneh things still happen in class,
class even made a funeral for filet-o-fish teacher, gosh.
and singing buddism songs for the funeral, rofl.
mscharmain still likes to gossip with us.
mrsoong is gonna give us up soon.
gah, i wanna sleep, will not be blogging as often anymore.
till then, takecare.
25, (L)
Sunday, April 18 || 9:58 AM
Two more weeks.
and i still havent start revising yet. :|
yesterday was maths remedial.
super tireeed. :/
went to rp mac at 7am,
to have breakfast with classmates.
1half hour remedial ended,
went to canteen waited for Jianfu and Xianyang.
then headed to compass to meet javier, shawn, weihao, etc.
made cake for jianfu,
left to meet mummy.
went shopping. :D
then homed.
today's gonna be a big day with mentor! :D
heading to escape with nicole, beezuan, lillia, haqima and yati later!
so i'll not be revising today. :D
monday's gonna be self-study 1hr, then training.
alright, time to go, ciaoooos.
Friday, April 16 || 6:48 PM
Pingping, Pongpong, Pangpang! :D
super pangpang, rofl.
school these days was hectic.
yesterday was splendid with class.
played with the manual blow bubbles, it flew and its being cut off by the fan.
then the bubble got sticked on the fan, yeongseok went to take it down, heng.
after school, had lunch with class at rp.
mainly vivian, rebecca, nicole, samantha, jinghui, jamson, lee, xianyang, ruben, jianfu, jianwuen, jiaxun, etc.
after eating, played catching at playground together.
gosh, so suck at it. x-x
then went back to school.
napfa got gold after two years of silver due to shuttlerun and ipu.
gathered, did ipu first, arg!
fortunately, i got the lowest one.
unfortunately, i got C for it.
ipu - 11.
then did shuttlerun, zeeee.
unfortunately, it started to run, so we run on the rough pavement.
so we ran under ispace.
slippppperrry ttm.
i managed not to pause when i take the blocks as usual. :D
but when i get up with the block,
*slippery* x-x
got A for it.
shuttle run - 11.5s, sigh.
then went behind hall, for situps.
aimed to do 45.
manged to get A.
situps - 46.
then went down,
standing broad jump.
aimed to get 170cm.
msloo's presence definitely helps. :D
got a B.
standing broad jump - 171cm.
nexttttt, sit and reach.
aim 43, on the dot.
got A.
sit and reach - 43cm.
did super disappointedly. :(
shall rerun this coming monday.
12.42 - A.
overall, 4As, 1B, 1C. gold, heng.
it was raining heavily,
lousy school.
plants flooded, canteen flooded, HORRIBLY. x-x
bought seaweed, and sat together, chatted.
then farewelled Xiaomin, Rebecca, Angela. D:
then Nicole and Vivian. D:
did the whole stack of newsacademic, fell asleep.
nothing much happened.
geography test.
read russel's ghost book.
stayed back with samantha, did the china decors for international friendship.
while waiting for Rebecca and Vivian.
credits to xiaomin for that bamboo, lol.
went to SingaporeBasketballCentre,
watched the bkb match.
NV VS AhmadIbrahim.
won, 58-34.
headed to mac for lunch,
then headed homeee with Nicole. :D
tomrrow's still schoolday, arg.
damn maths remedial.
combining class, again.
im gonna start revising my horrible science and maths soon. ;x
heh, ciaos.
Wednesday, April 14 || 8:34 PM
damn maths homework.
7 questions only, yet i seem to be doing 15 questions. x-x
school was great today, i guess.
morning, met wenjing, nicole, vivian. headed to school together for training.
had our 3km run together, phew.
then staircase, dizzzzy.
headed to canteen for food, fan, homework.
changed, headed for assembly.
first lesson was already, a bore. maths, arg.
slept. :|
then science, played facewrap with vivian.
tricked people around.
funnnehhhhhh ttm.
then art, became health checkup.
searched around and around for yeongseok, arg.
everyone needs the class key and he dunno go where, zee.
queued outside the ava, mscharmain started to ask us about teachers, lol.
there goes the gossipings and all. :D
and we're gonna change our history teacher soon, from mdmnellie to maybe mrsofian, omg.
geezx, i rather change chinese.
had health checkup, my degree without specs was, really unexpected.
cause' im stuck in the third row. -.-
the counter chinese nurse is so... strict and scary.
stayed outside the ava, reluctant to go back class. x-x
shouldnt have gone back!
went back, vivian got scolded by chinese teacher until she seems to be about to go and slap vivian, lol.
all she do is threatennnnnn, zee. biased freak.
class was quite empty, some pon.
bell gonna ring, ruben counting down, everyone's packing up.
chinese teacher start to tell us not to be so not hardworking just because we pack our bags. -.-
bell finally rang, headed for pasamalam fiesta with Rebecca, Xiaomin, Wenyi. :D
played with the blowing bubbles manually with Vivian and Trudy. :D
farewelled nicole halfway,
farewelled others. D:
homed. :D
studied 1half hour yesterday, until i almost fainted.
finished my study snacks container. ):
glad that mum refilled. (:
newsacademic, whole stack by this friday. x-x
maths remedial tomorrow, arg.
kangoo jump obstacles tomorrow, damn.
napfa tomorrow, die.
and the worst thing is, tomorrow's the deathly timetable. ):
arg, im soooo not gonna revise today and sleep early. :D
ciaos, and mug hard everyone! :)
Tuesday, April 13 || 5:51 PM
all i wanna do now, stuff pillows. and scream at you, puppy face bitch! WANT HIGHLIGHT?! HIGHLIGHT UNTIL YOU GOU LAH!homeworks, zee.
music was chaos.
making our own music was funneh.
i flunk my science test today, arg.
time management fail, last page blank.
next door class's noise is, damn zai. -.-
easy training tomorrow morning, 3km and stairs.
then study.
health check tomorrow too.
missing chinese, yes!
3 tests today.
my literature's in a mess. unseen, surprise test. arg.
chinese, at least i didnt flunk it. :/
and science, arg.
rp, homed.
alright, short post.
bye. we're offering up our lives, a living sacrifice.
Monday, April 12 || 8:14 PM
Nothin' on you.
pe was great today,
almost whole class played captains ball. :D
its hilarious during science. :D
mrsoong decided to postpone science test, shiok.
i cant smile anymore, thanks to vivian. ):
class was as usually, boring.
training was shockingly great. :D
first thing first msloo say is 'outside'.
so everyone expect to be 2km run. x-x
unexpectedly, we had super great bonding session. :D
merged. finally Bdiv. :D
did many paper reflections. :D
its super funny, then had skit.
separated into three groups. :D
then did our skit. :D
it turned out great and we won. :D
did 2.2km whole team run at parkgreen, packed up, off we go.
farewelled. D:
went to hougang mall with Nicole, Vivian. :D
then homed. :)
tomorrow's gonna be a tiring day, once again. x-x
ciaooooooos. (:
Sunday, April 11 || 5:57 PM
Tried to hit the brakes,
but we crash and burn, somewhere we missed our turns.
ton study last night, till 2plus. cannot tahan, slept.
i managed to study for 5 hours excluding breaks today. :D
did maths, science, chinese, geography. x-x
didnt make it for study with mates, thanks to my maths paper. -.-
and i got bored, started to draw on my fingers with markers. :D
im down with flu due to sensitive now, 2.4km rerun tomorrow. :|
hope to beat previous timing though.
gah, running later at park.
merging with seniors tomorrow. :D
alright, prepare to run already.
ciaos. :)
yeh, burnt.
Saturday, April 10 || 8:49 PM
No more you,
imma do what i wanna do. byebyedinosaur):
flying kite + picnic today, with Vivian, Lillia, Xiaomin, Rebecca. :D
was superrr late, but ohwell, overslept. x-x
met the others at skcc,
did homework there.
bought one small, one big kites.
then went to the field there, fly kite.
rebecca stayed at skcc. D:
laid picnic mat, then went to fly kite! :D
from around 3 to 4plus. :D
lillia and i flew the small one first,
then exchanged with vivian and xiaomin. :D
lillia is an awesome kite flyer man! :D
wrote our wishes down on the kite, then let it fly
until the maximum, then cut it. and let it flyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy away. :)
alright, pictures talk. :)
kiteeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees next. :D
ohyes, finally succeeded. :D |
the end. :)
im gonna ton the night and study. :/
science and chinese test on monday and tuesday. D:
running tomorrow with mates. :D
lastly, homeecons practical ended, sadly.
i wanna coook. ):
i hope i wont fail my dnt, AGAIN. :|
and also, the dish where Elizabeth and i succeeded. :D
Friday, April 9 || 6:17 PM
You, would reign in us. Lord Jesus.
giving up life, a living sacrifice.
not quite in a good mood.
flying kite tomorrow and picnic, ohyes.
its friday finally.
captains' ball was just a false hope, zee.
played stupid tennis.
chinese lesson was horrible,
chinese teacher couldnt stand kelvin already.
threw tandrum. then she asked us to shutup,
then she ask question, everyone silent, lol.
soon after, kelvin started to make vacuum sound, rofl.
went to watch basketball match at sbc with mates.
at last we managed to alight at the right stop.
walked to sbc, watched the match against Yishun.
won, :D
met kuanyung.brother. :)
headed to mac, ate.
then boarded bus,
farewelled Vivian, Xiaomin. D:
accompanied Rebecca, Wenyi, Trudy, Lillia for bus.
then homed with Nicole. :D
bigsister's report is out, and confirmed that she's got dengue.
ohwth, get the virus outside, bringing it inside. x-x
sianz, ciaos.
exhausted, dead.
Thursday, April 8 || 6:21 PM
flying kite this weekend with team, + picnic, wooohoo! :D
many people are absent today. x-x
4 people, zee.
and im fond to have headaches, arg.
class was usual,
english, mdm tan and another teacher came to teach us.
did informal writing,
and wrote Dear Nigu's real name. :D
and the bulldog part. :D
laughed quite alot with vivian, till mdmtan and the teacher
seems to be talking about us standing in front of the class while we do our work, arg.
homeecons test thought we'll flunk.
slept at 12.30am last night, settling homeecons practical exam.
forgotten totally, arg.
went to ntuc and shop and save to buy ingredients, at around 9plus night. x-x
couldnt contact elizabeth, zee.
did decors, etc.
prepared shrimps and all.
didnt tried doing our Curry Udon before,
who knows. :D
it turned out great! :D
msjenny said 2e4 got the most full marks, weehoo! :D
cleaned up, reflections.
then maths remedial.
2e3 and 2e4 combined, zee. -.-
2e3 came to our class for remedial.
crowded, stuffy, squeeeeeezy, noisy, irritating, eyesores.
and the worst thing is, view got blocked by big heads.
3.10pm, remedial ended.
saturday remedial,
again. D:
headed to compass to join the others,
kfc, walk around, library for around 5 min, got chased out.
homed with Rebecca, Nicole, Vivian. :D
farewelled Rebecca and Vivian soon after. D:
and sister's back to hospital again, omg.
doctor need a double check to ensure her blood is clean, eeek.
ict wooohoo! :D
and and captains' ball, yes! :D
zuoye is not done yet, im feeling sleepy. :D
and no, im not doing my zuoye.
alright, bye. :D
Wednesday, April 7 || 7:08 PM
I wanna fly kite,
since yesterday night.
yes, i wanna fly kite, i don't care. :D
LY. :)
morning had breakfast with team, :D
then headed to school early to do maths.
assembly, blah.
first period, relieve teacher, wooo! :D
ms lalitha didnt come.
greatttttt, i want my maths paper. x-x
then science,
left 20minutes,
mrsoong seems to be so happy.
first time, class is quiet for science.
cause' most went for competitions. x-x
art at art room,
fell asleep. x-x
so b.o.r.i.n.g.
but the part when vivian's invisible is hilarious. :D
and i got scolded by teacher, thanks to VIVIAN.
went back for class.
two free periods, omg yes!
chinese teacher smsed Jeremy, saying that she wont be coming, shiok! :D
class was chaoooos. :D
school bell rang,
music teacher came to knock the door,
relieve teacher ; okay, you may go now.
everyone ; OMG, ZAO AHH!!!!
*run out from back door*
cause' she's gonna come collect our music project drafts, rofl.
compassed with team + cheyenne ; insecticide for lunch. :D
popular with nicole, rebecca, javier. :D
*wish* has gone
pulling my bag under strap to make me fly and eeyore, everywhere.
chasing after me around the shelves.
gosh. x-x
went to meet Wanyi. :D
then joined the others at sculptor park. :D
watched the live telecast comedy at our jacuzi, lol.
and then, Javier and i got into the live telecast to play playground. :D
farewelled all. D:
homed with Vivian and Nicole. :D
no homework today, wooooooohoooo. :D
maths remedial tomorrow, sianz.
and i love japanese green tea. :D
and my left ankle's in pain, arg.
and my whole leg is so suannnn.
gah, ciaos. :D
Tuesday, April 6 || 8:40 PM
zonals, nationals, ended today. :)
won St.Hilda, 20-18. :D
kallang's scorching hot, limited wind. x-x
last match, with team. D:
msloo debriefed us, by saying our good and bad one by one.
break from netball, 3 days cannot touch it.
next week merging with seniors. :D
rp.koufu, then pasamalam,
homed with Wenjing and Vivian. :D
farewelled Trudy, Wenyi, Stacey, Angelu. D:
tomorrow's wednesday, i havent touch maths hw, zee.
chinese teacher didnt come today, wooohoo! :D
got chased out by the relieve teacher, thanks to vivian. x-x
played childhood games outside class, rofl. :D
the relieve teacher, practically stared at us blankly, lol.
mixpod's finally working, yes.
sister's suffering from viral infection. x-x
and im in danger, arg.
dead beat, ciaos. :D
gooood game superb teammmmm! ♥
and lets work hard for upcoming tough trainings! :D
i love you, all 16 of you teammmmmmmmm! :D
and after much observation, watching other schools playing,
ever seen a coach scolding the players on the bench for being too bloody noisy cause' they're cheering for the players on court? :D
Monday, April 5 || 8:57 PM
if its meant to be, it'll be.
match tomorrow, most likely against TKGS.
who knows. :/
one last match with team. ):
hope we'll win it, cherish it.
wednesday, merging already.
Bdiv and Cdiv. :D
wont be making into Nationals Round 2.
glad, my studies is really horrible. x-x
sec4s/5s seniors are stepping down today, after their last match. ):
grats that they trash eastspring. :D
school was usual today, blah.
compass, then 100shots with xiaomin. :D
farewelled Wenyi, Rebecca, Angelu, Xiaomin, Trudy, Nicole, Mandy, Lillia, Lynnette, etc. D:
homed with Vivian. :D
pepp practical tomorrow, then match, zee.
big sister's fever's back, hospital just. ):
update tomorrow, headache now, arg.
ciaos. :)
until you are gone,.
Friday, April 2 || 8:47 PM
Its all that i'm not.
happy easter day to christians! :D thankgod, for everything. :)
and, today is saturday good friday!
finally a day to catch up others in studies, zee.
had a great laugh last night,
had a damn nightmare till this morning, gosh.
i dreamt of horrible gigantic ugly scary monster attack.
woke up at 9.30am,
cold sweat, shivering in fear in aircon room. -.-
thought that there's doraemon, zee.
decided to continue sleeping, to end my nightmare happily. :)
at last, my nightmare ended, i died. i was being thrown to death by the monster, zee.
felt so, dumb. -.-
woke up at 11.30am soon after,
washed up, breakfast.
then bathed, packed bag.
headed to compass, late for around an hour. x-x
met Vivian, Xiaomin, Javier, Stacey, Angelu. :D
studied, ate at bk.
wenyi came after. :D
yati, sijing, weilin came to say hi.
did 56 questions for that maths hw, satifistication man! :D
Javier got confused by me, after i insisted the answer is d cube r.
she insisted d^4r. x-x
farewelled Wenyi and then Javier soon after. D:
headed to SculpturePark, played virus ice and freeze.
rofl, laughing at how Angelu is shock when im opposite her as the catcher,
played till 6.30pm, headed back to compass,
farewelled Sister and Angelu. D:
bused home with Stacey and Vivian. :D
homed. :)
napfa 2.4km this monday, yikes.
im gorging myself with food these days, x-x
alright, tomorrow's study date with the usuals. :D
hope that i'll study maths. x-x missyoudearly, today./
ciaos. :)
Thursday, April 1 || 10:58 PM
These are quotes from coaches when they start to get agitated outside court.
taken from RedSports. :D
1. “Can you see where the ball is going?!”
2. “Do you want to play this game or not?!”
3. “What kind of pass is that?! You want me to slap you?!”
4. “Did I teach you to throw into the defenders hands?!”
5. “ni shi pen dan!” (Translation: “You are stupid!”)
6. “Do you hate your opponent?! Do you hate your opponent?!!”
7. “Why are you smiling? You very happy is it???”
8. “When he is going to score, you push him over! You go for his legs! You kick him! You don’t stand there and stare!!!”
9. “Har? ni zai pai zao ah? xiang ge mu tou yi yang!” (Translation: Huh? You taking photo is it? Stand like wooden-block like that!)
10. “Who teach you one? Your Grandma is it?”
11. “Move like a butterfly, sting like a bee, just try not to fall down lah.”
12. “Hey!! What kind of pass is that? You wanna come back to the bench and drink kopi with me?”
13. “You think you playing primary school ah?! You no brain, ah? Can’t see the ball coming is it?”
14. “****, is the ball a chicken? If not why so hard to pick it up?”
15. “You so slow, cow go home drink milk already!”
16. “DAMN!!!! Your daddy should have went fishing the day they made you!”
17. “Walao eh! Got chance just shoot lah! Got so much time to fa dai and wait for opponent to snatch ball, ah?”
18. “Do you know how to run?! THEN DO IT!”
19. “Too fat ah? Cannot even jump 1/4 of a pepsi can! Jump higher!”
20. C#$! C@&* B*@!!!! (while throwing the ball into the court)
21. “You run slower than my grandmother!!!”
familiar? :D
|| 10:55 PM
Happy April's Fool! :D
im posting now, ignoring the time.
please let it last through.
HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAAH!!! * inner joke.
laugh until peng, laugh until die already.
school's usual today,
kangoo jump was tiring.
did it during netball bonding session,
our one day activities, splitted into 4 lessons for nyaa.
maths, nothing much.
recess, Wishball; Rebecca and i got crazy over charsiewrice, lol.
science, lab. hilarious. :D
then, english.
did compre, summary x-x
then homeecons.
played, laughed, fun. :D
reflection, nothing much.
stayed in school,
shoot, watched others training.
Trudy and Vivian helped us to buy bbt from cp. :D
farewelled some, as they're being chased out of school. ):
shoot till 6.20pm,
left school.
farewelled BeeJuan then Xiaomin. D:
then headed home with Nicole. :D
homed at 7.10pm.
study outing with team tomorrow.
hope that i'll make it, big sister is suffering from high fever. ):
tragedy seems to be destinied. :)